Hunting Items


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Im know it soulds strange but does anyone know if there is a "Do Not Move" sighn anywhere. Its a little red sigh that goes on the front and rear of a steam loco in the UK when someone is working in the frames underneath. I know its a lot of fuss for something no one would normaly look for but Im odd like that :hehe: . Im just going to add it to a loco in surveyor, Obviously its not gonna move lol.

Also im looking for a spline for Rape Seed Oil that seem to have become a big part of UK scenery, right now Im just using a texture.

Thanks all.
Hello Andysim212, I have never seen a "do not move" sign on the DLS, as it is always affixed to a loco in real life, and as such I would have thought it impossible to attach it to any loco when it is in a shed with it being so small, and there is nowhere built onto the loco to hang it, and you would only be able to see it if you were close up. Best suggestion I can make is to get a blank small signpost off the DLS that is editable and type in those words and plonk it next to your locomotive when it is in the depot.

I've not seen too many textures for rape seed on the DLS, and I wouldn't think they are splines, but I haven't checked, have you searched there in the texture category?? There might be a texture on a 3rd party site, but it would be named in another language, not rape seed - Rapsfeld is German for rape seed - for example.

Happy Trainzing.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman
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Found half of what you want.;) Splines of yellow rapeseed plants.


The only difference between the two is that the second uses Level-of-Detail (LOD) meshes.

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Fantastic thats the spline i was looking for. As for the Sighn i think its going to be to small to notice, but im doing some little super detail scenery areas as a test to see what I can do.

I will try and find some pics as soon as i get home.

Thanks again

Thats exactly what Im after -) :mop: I also realise that if the loco does get moved the sighn would be hanging in the air, but thats it.
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