How to rename an asset without going faulty


New member
I've recently figured out how to reskin a locomotive which is extremely helpful.
Does anyone know how to rename it without it going faulty?

that is very helpful to know. i have some cars that were repainted and need to ask the makers for permission to clone them but needed to know how to re name the accurately thank you.
You can clone them, for your own use ... but have to get permission to redistribute them

I rename all my favorite assets with the prefix: "AA PRR" ... then they all show up right at the top of my picklist

All RGCX railcar assets have the prefix: "RGCX", so I can quickly locate all 14 miles of them :cool:

All my bridges have the prefix: "AA PRR Bridge" ... likewise I do this to "AA PRR Tunnels", "AA PRR Turntables", "AA PRR Buildings", "AA PRR SM" (switch machines), "AA PRR CPL" (color position light), "AA PRR PLS" (position light signal), "AA PRR Dwarf" ... etc ... when they have oddly labeled cryptic names
yes of course i would get permission first for sharing..i will expect people to do the same with the assets I will be uploading to the library soon that I have made....but just knowing how is a big help. I have seen this refered to but was not sure of the process. it is a great idea what you are sharing for arranging our assets list to do it that way too, thank you for sharing that :) much appreciated.
Usually I open the config text file and change the user name of the copied asset. After I click summit edits, the assets name will change but, it will say " Modified faulty."
Usually I open the config text file and change the user name of the copied asset. After I click summit edits, the assets name will change but, it will say " Modified faulty."

If this is a built-in asset, you may need to run PEV's Images2TGA to convert the .texture-format images to .tga-type images. Once that's done, resubmit your asset and you should be all set.

You can rename assets without the need to open for edit and change the name, in CM you click on the asset and you can change the name here.


You can rename assets without the need to open for edit and change the name, in CM you click on the asset and you can change the name here.

<pic removed>


Yup this works too, however, the changes don't remain if a database repair is done. I found that out the hard way after I cloned a bunch of YARN roads for no traffic. I had a bunch of YARN roads with no discerning names after I ran a DBR!

Azervich - What you say is true but I think it just modifies the asset index file (assets.tdx). If that is so then it will only be good until the next database repair. And that trick doesn't work in TANE.

Cheers - Trevor
I haven't done it since TRS 2006 though, I use to have a whole heap of RRMods stuff and found it easier to rename them that way, I rarely play trainz these days, I just build junk :)
I prefix all my locos username with $ for payware, and JR, and RRM, B for Bdaneal, RTS RomanianTrainzStudio, G Greenery, C Cosmo, S Sporbust, GG1, DD40X DD35, and the rest of my steam locos like: 2 8 4 using no hyphens ... etc ...

A loco is not: Erie Lackawanna #3824 W/O Dynamics GP40 ... it is firstly named: "GP40"

A bridge is firstly named: "Bridge", not: Rusty 180' US Platt Truss
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that is very helpful to know. i have some cars that were repainted and need to ask the makers for permission to clone them but needed to know how to re name the accurately thank you.

Just a small point here, it would have been better to clone the item before doing any changes. Cloning first means if you make a mistake or something does not work it does not break the original item.

This continues to be a wonderful thread. Learning these basic steps for managing assets is essential I feel for successfully working with Trainz material. It is not forgiving but once these are mastered I feel I will be more comfortable doing mod and asset work. thanks for all of the posts. Clone first makes a lot of sense.
Another way to stop an asset from becoming ruined by editing it, is to create a "New Folder" inside the assets folder, and to copy paste the config file inside that "New Folder", which hides the original config file from Trainz ... should you make a mistake when editing the config, you can easily copy it out of the "New Folder" and place it back where the ruined edited config file is ... you can also place any other flie or image inside that "New Folder", and retrieve the original, should you mess up an asset
You're right, I am using a Mac and there have been quite a few err's. I've never found the content manager. Where do you find straight quote? And how do you edit them?
G'day folks
back to the first entry.....
if after cloning and renaming an asset, I get a 'Red' exclamation error. I view the Error it may show bits missing (you know what I mean.....), sometimes all it needs is to lower the Trainz build number to say 2.7
hope this helps
