Extremely well written for such a complex subject, and I have heard a lot about this coming for October, as I have 2 Laptops, one is ancient, WIN7 flavor, 8 yrs old, my other one is wow, 11 Months old, Win10 Flavor and 2 Desktops Both XP Flavor

we won't discuss there age for now LOL .......so for now, I have figure which one will run my Trainz the best, due to built in GPU's on Laptops, versus I provide the GPU on Desktops but they don't travel with me, see the conundrum I face......:'(
After reading that article, my brain hurts Microsoft Headache

......so I need to re read it again. Thanks so much for sharing a fantastic article.......And be aware I'm not TANE compliant yet, as I have enough trouble with TS-12 and Win10..........