how to fix jr tracks to work in ts2mac

These work perfectly fine for me and I believe everyone else.. if yours are faulty, tell us the errors, then we can help. You're being a tad too vague to help.

no, i'm talking about the non Built in jr tracks They show a thumbnail raw texture error and i deleted it and it was faulty because it was also the texture for the track
Edit in Explorer. FInd a JPG to use for the thumbnail. Personally I used Images2TGA to open the Tga, remove the Alpha and save as a JPG so I end up with the same pictures as Thumbnails. In the Config under "Thumbnail" replace "Name.tga" with the name of whatever JPG you're using as "Name.JPG" and this fixes them. This also works for Grazzy and the Speedo.tga files in many of their older EMD locomotives.

Edited to add: Make sure whatever JPG you use, if its not from the Asset File itself, has a copy of the Jpg put into the Asset File before you Submit Edits.

Oh! I figured out which error he means. You need to change the (name of thumbnail).tga to (name of thumbnail).texture. This is specific to Mac, and T:ANE. I don't think Falcus's solution will work, it might for something else but not for this issue.

Figuring out this fix is part of the "initiation ritual" to Trainz MAC. :hehe:
Oh! I figured out which error he means. You need to change the (name of thumbnail).tga to (name of thumbnail).texture. This is specific to Mac, and T:ANE. I don't think Falcus's solution will work, it might for something else but not for this issue.

Figuring out this fix is part of the "initiation ritual" to Trainz MAC. :hehe:

It does work by creating another image file. The quicker solution though is to change the name in the config.txt file, which can be edited directly in T:ANE CM without opening up the asset completely. You just have to remember commit (submit) it afterwards.

Oh! I figured out which error he means. You need to change the (name of thumbnail).tga to (name of thumbnail).texture. This is specific to Mac, and T:ANE. I don't think Falcus's solution will work, it might for something else but not for this issue.

Figuring out this fix is part of the "initiation ritual" to Trainz MAC. :hehe:

Both TSMAC and TANE use similar validation, as my understanding of it, which is why, for instance, JR's TSmac Patch fixes alot of broken assets for TANE users. And the method you described is a rehash of what I said anyway.

Yes, you can just change the name in the config, but if its not to something that exists (Such as a Jpg or another media file), it will flag a warning on some assets, and an error on others (Why the difference here I don't know) about the Thumbnail being pointed to a non-existent Image.

Both TSMAC and TANE use similar validation, as my understanding of it, which is why, for instance, JR's TSmac Patch fixes alot of broken assets for TANE users. And the method you described is a rehash of what I said anyway.

Yes, you can just change the name in the config, but if its not to something that exists (Such as a Jpg or another media file), it will flag a warning on some assets, and an error on others (Why the difference here I don't know) about the Thumbnail being pointed to a non-existent Image.


Yup... It's annoying too. For that I have a generic ScreenShot.jpg that I put in and point to that. I don't care if the asset doesn't have a proper thumbnail for CM. It works fine in trainz once I load it, and eventually the content creator someone one else will update the asset properly. That has already been the case for a bunch of assets I did go through the trouble of creating an actual in-game thumbnail for!

I also had some assets that had both problems which was quite annoying. One part of the config.txt needed the .texture while another part I had to point to a .tga. It was frustrating trying to read the error messages since the errors get intermingled with other warnings and information, and are written "programmer".

It's usually easier, as mentioned above, to change the .tga reference to .texture in the config file. Have a look on my guide on for details.

Yup... It's annoying too. For that I have a generic ScreenShot.jpg that I put in and point to that. I don't care if the asset doesn't have a proper thumbnail for CM. It works fine in trainz once I load it, and eventually the content creator someone one else will update the asset properly. That has already been the case for a bunch of assets I did go through the trouble of creating an actual in-game thumbnail for!

I also had some assets that had both problems which was quite annoying. One part of the config.txt needed the .texture while another part I had to point to a .tga. It was frustrating trying to read the error messages since the errors get intermingled with other warnings and information, and are written "programmer".


Oh, I do the same as well.... But then every asset I do that to comes up with this Thumbnail:

I find it far more useful to just make a JPG out of an appropriate media file in the asset wherever possible, though I definitely agree thats not always possible.

Edited to add:
Was thinkin about what you said about the Config you were having issues with. I would need to know more about it to say that this description fits your issue, however, there seems to be two distinct possible causes to the ".tga is used incorrectly" Flag. First is Thumbnails. JR in particular, but plenty of others as well seemed fond of throwing their texture files as Thumbnails.

The second issue, and far less prevalent, is when an asset's config references the .Tga, and has a .texture.txt that does the same thing. Chris gave me the explanation to this here:
This seems to be the issue that caused N3V to create that error in the first place. The fix is easy, just change the Config Reference to read "Thing.Texture" instead of "Thing.tga".

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Oh, I do the same as well.... But then every asset I do that to comes up with this Thumbnail:

<image removed>

I find it far more useful to just make a JPG out of an appropriate media file in the asset wherever possible, though I definitely agree thats not always possible.

Edited to add:
Was thinkin about what you said about the Config you were having issues with. I would need to know more about it to say that this description fits your issue, however, there seems to be two distinct possible causes to the ".tga is used incorrectly" Flag. First is Thumbnails. JR in particular, but plenty of others as well seemed fond of throwing their texture files as Thumbnails.

The second issue, and far less prevalent, is when an asset's config references the .Tga, and has a .texture.txt that does the same thing. Chris gave me the explanation to this here:
This seems to be the issue that caused N3V to create that error in the first place. The fix is easy, just change the Config Reference to read "Thing.Texture" instead of "Thing.tga".


I like your thumbnail replacement. It's a lot more professional than mine! :)

It was partially the issue you've outlined in your post here. The thumbnail section I changed the file extension to .texture...

But... there was another image referenced later that needed a proper extension. The author put in .jpg when the file was a .tga! ARGGHH!!! It had me confused at first because a quick read of the error had me thinking I fixed the problem with the first fix.

I have some assets I can't fix because of multiple references to a red.tga, or other textures files in a table... Fixing the thumbnail section fixes only one of the errant references, but changing the other lines does not. This one sits in the can't fix for now pile and I moved on to the easier ones.

it is important to note when making these fixes that you use the images properly.

any image to be used inside the game while it is running should be a .texture reference.

any image used outside the game should be a jpg or non .texture reference.

.textures cannot be used outside of the game (like in CM or on the DLS) so for a thumbnail for use on the DLS or CM it should be .jpg. many of us were mistakenly assuming that the images could be used in both locations, and that worked on a local install, but consider if your item is included in a built-in .ja file etc then the source file is removed because it does save a lot of space. in that case you have an image.tga and an image.texture.txt, once it is committed to CM only the image.texture is left - notice no texture.txt, it gets converted to a .texture more or less combining the .tga with the .texture.txt as well as some other things like mip levels and compression. this resulted in several built-in items having blank icons and other images in TS12. the point is, you cant use them both ways so consider the above when fixing the items.
it is important to note when making these fixes that you use the images properly.

any image to be used inside the game while it is running should be a .texture reference.

any image used outside the game should be a jpg or non .texture reference.

.textures cannot be used outside of the game (like in CM or on the DLS) so for a thumbnail for use on the DLS or CM it should be .jpg. many of us were mistakenly assuming that the images could be used in both locations, and that worked on a local install, but consider if your item is included in a built-in .ja file etc then the source file is removed because it does save a lot of space. in that case you have an image.tga and an image.texture.txt, once it is committed to CM only the image.texture is left - notice no texture.txt, it gets converted to a .texture more or less combining the .tga with the .texture.txt as well as some other things like mip levels and compression. this resulted in several built-in items having blank icons and other images in TS12. the point is, you cant use them both ways so consider the above when fixing the items.

Very good to know and thank you for this.

In my case, and probably for the majority of us here, these assets are being fixed for internal use only. :)

I've already run into some assets that did not have .tga files when sent over to T:ANE. These are not built-ins, but stuff off the DLS or elsewhere. I've had to use PEV's Text2TGA to make them useable in T:ANE.
