how to find missing kuids


Recovering RBR Addict
anyone know how i can find the list of missing kuids listed below ..??

Error: Dependency <kuid:-2:1017> is unknown.
Error: Dependency <kuid:-2:1020> is unknown.
Error: Dependency <kuid:-2:493265801> is unknown.
Error: Dependency <kuid:-1:16270> is unknown.
Kuids with a -2 are auto-saves, so made by yourself.
Kuids with a -1 are made by Auran (N3V) so should either be built-in in one of the versions of the game you have or on the DLS.
Kuids with a -2 are auto-saves, so made by yourself.
Kuids with a -1 are made by Auran (N3V) so should either be built-in in one of the versions of the game you have or on the DLS.

ok well i didnt make the map / route so the -2 kuids are not mine :hehe: i'll just have to find them in the config & delete them the -1 kuid my copy of ts 12 cant find it & just lists it as unknown
ok well i didnt make the map / route so the -2 kuids are not mine :hehe: i'll just have to find them in the config & delete them the -1 kuid my copy of ts 12 cant find it & just lists it as unknown

They are yours. The routes get autosaved (if that is enabled) regardless of whether they are yours or someone else's.

<kuid:-1:16270> is the grid. You can replace it with any ground texture asset. You should look at the asset that reports it as missing. Perhaps you imported a route that was not designed for your version of Trainz. If you have another installation of Trainz where that route is working, then you could get the asset from that installation.
in Tane how can you turn off autosave ..?? as that thing drives me nuts & when it auto saves the whole screen locks up for 5-10 seconds
if ts 12 has that also would like to how to turn it off in there also
in Tane how can you turn off autosave ..?? as that thing drives me nuts & when it auto saves the whole screen locks up for 5-10 seconds
if ts 12 has that also would like to how to turn it off in there also

TS12 - Surveyor / Main Menu / Options / Surveyor Settings / Auto-save interval
T:ANE - Surveyor / Main Menu / Settings / Interface Setting / Auto-save interval
I've a feeling that the -2 KUIDs mentioned are not autosaves as it would be either <kuid:-2:1> or <kuid:-2:2>. The last time I came across KUIDs like that were from a version where the user failed to put their login details and/or serial number into the options box.
