how to enable Cab sounds

You can not, most cabs have no sound files to play, it may not even be possible.

I have downloaded Ge Ac6000cw locomotive.
I opened its cab mechanism in edit in explorer.
There is sound folder which contains throttle.wav, reverser.wav sound formats etc.
Its means sound files are present but they are not activated.
I want to activate lever sounds when lever is moved in cab.
There is cabin.txt in sound folder which have codes of all sounds formats.
Then what should i do?
Copy that code into config.txt??

You have to copy the whole cabin.txt file, or its contents into the existing cabin.txt file for the cabin you are altering.
You have to copy the whole cabin.txt file, or its contents into the existing cabin.txt file for the cabin you are altering.

i copied the syntax in config.txt and there are 23 errors shown
cab {
trainbrake_lever "change-notch abrake.wav"
independantbrake_lever "change-notch ibrake.wav"
combined_throttle_lever "change-notch throttle.wav"
reverser_lever "change-notch rutnut.wav"
light_switch "change-notch switch.wav"
control_stand_light "change-notch switch.wav"
step_light "change-notch switch.wav"
gage_light "change-notch switch.wav"
fl_wipers "change-notch sand_off.wav"
fc_wipers "change-notch sand_off.wav"
fr_wipers "change-notch sand_off.wav"
rr_wipers "change-notch sand_off.wav"
rl_wipers "change-notch sand_off.wav"
cablightsw1 "change-notch switch.wav"
cablightsw2 "change-notch switch.wav"
sand "change-notch sand_off.wav"
leadsand "change-notch sand_off.wav"
horn0 "change-notch switch.wav"
horn1 "change-notch switch.wav"
bell "change-notch switch.wav "


Error: The Tag 'trainbrake_lever' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.Error: The Tag 'independantbrake_lever' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'combined_throttle_lever' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'reverser_lever' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'light_switch' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'control_stand_light' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'step_light' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'gage_light' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'fl_wipers' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'fc_wipers' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'fr_wipers' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'rr_wipers' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'rl_wipers' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'cablightsw1' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'cablightsw2' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'sand' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'leadsand' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'horn0' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'horn1' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: The Tag 'bell' is not permitted within a container of type 'cab'.
Error: Required tag 'mesh' was missing and has been set to default.
Error: The tag 'mesh' in container 'cab' is empty.
Error: The tag 'mesh' in 'cab' must have a mesh file extension.
I think JCitron actually meant copy it into the file called cabin.txt on the asset you are modifying not the config.txt.

I got this formats from cabin.txt
Cabin.txt is already placed in sound folder.
There is no another cabin.txt file i found in asset on which i copy that code.

If u have activated cab sounds then kindly mention me briefly its codings?
I got this formats from cabin.txt
Cabin.txt is already placed in sound folder.
There is no another cabin.txt file i found in asset on which i copy that code.

If u have activated cab sounds then kindly mention me briefly its codings?

You don't need anything else but the sounds and the cabin.txt file in your sound folder.
You don't need anything else but the sounds and the cabin.txt file in your sound folder.

I have both..!!
Sounds and cabin.txt in my sound folder
Still sounds are not active.!!!!

Is there any format of cabin.txt??
May be i use proper format to activate sounds??
Could you send me proper format of cabin.txt.??
The cabin.txt format is as follows

light_switch change-notch switch.wav

There are 3 elements on one line.

The first element is the name of the control as seen in config.txt, in this example it is "light_switch".
The second is the action required to trigger the sound, in this case "change-notch".
The third is the sound to be played on that action, in this case "switch.wav".

It looks like you are dealing with my cabin.txt file included in <kuid2:584038:100683:2>. I designed the cab so I can safely say the format of cabin.txt is already correct and I have confirmed it is functioning properly.

What is the issue you are experiencing with the item?
The cabin.txt format is as follows

light_switch change-notch switch.wav

There are 3 elements on one line.

The first element is the name of the control as seen in config.txt, in this example it is "light_switch".
The second is the action required to trigger the sound, in this case "change-notch".
The third is the sound to be played on that action, in this case "switch.wav".

It looks like you are dealing with my cabin.txt file included in <kuid2:584038:100683:2>. I designed the cab so I can safely say the format of cabin.txt is already correct and I have confirmed it is functioning properly.

What is the issue you are experiencing with the item?

I have same code as you mention here.
But the sound.wav files are not active when i rotate levers i.e throttle lever , reverser lever etc.
Does it concern to trainz build number or any sort of update of contents to activate cab sounds??

It might, but since we don't know what version of Trainz you are running we can't tell.

Please register your Trainz version on My Trainz so that it appears on the timeline next to your name.

If you have already registered and your version(s) of Trainz do not appear here, contact the helpdesk for assistance.