How to add thumbnails to assets.

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Xfire,steam: gerbile3
Thank you all but that's not how i did it, you all left out one important step, so for all the people who look at this here is what you do.
Edit: Here is an update tutorial on how to do it. I noticed the one I had before was a little vague.
1. Find your asset you would like to add the thumbnail to.
2. Right click on it, go down to edit. A sub-menu should appear. Hit "Edit in Content Creator Plus"
3. You should see the main content creator plus window. On the left is a white backed area. Right click on the topmost category in that list. (See pic)

4. When you right clicked, a menu should have came up. Find "Add a thumbnails" (Yep. It's worded like that.)
5. When you clicked that, a new subcategory should appear on the right. You should see it. It will be named "Thumbnails" If you don't see the "0" under thumbnails, hit the "+" next to the thumbnails thing on the menu on the right.
6. Set height to 180, set width to 240.
7. Hit the 3 dots, then navigate to where your thumbnail is, then double click on it
8. Go up to file, and hit save.
9. Close Content Creator Plus.
10. Find the asset you just added the thumbnail to, right click on it, go down to edit, then hit commit.

Congratulations! You have added a thumbnail to your asset\layout.

okay so upon coming back here after many years it seems i deleted my pic that i put up here back in 07. i will reup a new one when i get one
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1. Open up CMP.
2. Find your asset.
3. Right-click, then you click Edit-->Edit in Explorer/Edit in CCP.
4a. If you chose Explorer, click 'config' in the window that appears.
5a. Then, add the line "thumbnail" and then put the filename there.
4b. If you click CCP, right click on the file in the list that appears on the left of the window that appears.
5b. Then click something that has the word "thumbnails".
6b. Then in the Enter Name window that appears type a name in.
7b. Then click on the ... button that is next to the empty box.
8b. Then search for the thumbnail file in the window that appears.

Is that good enough for you?
ok i try to upload stuff and i dont hav a thumbnail and it fails

ive looked thru the manuals and help list for the 60th (literly) time
so i dont want a link and

please tell me how to put a thumbnai lwityh my asset

Hi gerbils,

This is the complete entry you require for the config. txt:-

thumbnails {
0 {
image "screenshot.jpg"
width 240
height 180

All dependant assets that you upload also require this.

Ensure your "Thumbnail" is 240x180 .jpg and it is named screenshot.jpg and that you have included it in the same folder as the config.txt.

Hope this helps,

Both methods work well.

This topic seems to be the topic of the week with helpdesk so i will make this thread a sticky for a while.

Hi Alan,

If may ask.

The simple thumbnail tag, as I understood, was to become redundant, has this situation changed?


wait wen i edit in explorer, and add the thumbnail tags in the config, do i use the image file itself, or a hosted image?
wait i got it working but it doesnt sho up did i do sumtin rong or does it take a wile to load?

If you've uploaded it in TRS2006 with cmp then wait a day then go to profile as in profile at the top of this page, then your content, then preview area, individual assets, then you have to approve them.

Cheerio John
WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yet again the tag line works, but my pic doesnt show in preveiw area!!!! wat the HELLLLLLL (excuse the language if any1 is offended)
I seem to have the same problem.
I add the pic, it gets approved to upload but once on DLS it will only show a grey square and no pic.
I see the tumbnail in Content manager but somehow it get lost on the way.
Any hints on how to fix this would be much appreciated.

I seem to have the same problem.
I add the pic, it gets approved to upload but once on DLS it will only show a grey square and no pic.
I see the tumbnail in Content manager but somehow it get lost on the way.
Any hints on how to fix this would be much appreciated.


TRS2006? Send it over. jwhelan0112

Thanks John
It seems everybody successfully can upload their thumbnails BUT ME! Also the detailed tutorial did not help me, as I have TRS2004.

I uploaded a pack containing 3 assets. The DLS (search for jost62) shows an empty (grey) thumbnail-window.
When clicking "pack" the thumbnail is visible.

I have in the config.txt of each (3) asset the line
thumbnail "streetborder.jpg"
and the 240x180 streetborder.jpg in the same folder. When packing the 3 assets in one pack with the ContentDispatcher I refere to the same .jpg.
Effect: The 3 assets show in the Download Station NO picture (???!!!), just the pack has the picture.

Then I tried the
thumbnails {
0 {
image "streetborder.jpg"
width 240
height 180
The effect is the same: The tumbnail does NOT show up in the individual assets, but it shows when clicking "Pack".

I know I make somewhere a mistake. Can anyone show me where this mistake is?

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