How do I make bigger or longer stations?


New member

I was wondering how I could make a station longer? I have all these stations that are 50, 100, 150, 200 meters long. I need to make a station (at least the platforms) approximately 400 meters long. The reason why I need a 400 meter long station is because in my route, some trainsets I'll be using will be up to 16 cars long. Examples include Amtrak Clockers, TGV's, Shinaksens, etc. They measure up to 400 meters long so...

How do I merge the smaller stations into a single long station? As it stands, if I place the existing stations I have, they don't work. I mean, if I used the 100 meter station, I'll have to put down 4 seperate stations which will play hell on automated passenger load / offloading. What I need is a passenger enabled station that's 400 meters long and is one object instead of 4 seperate stations.

For example, I'd like to extend CompuDoc's subway stations (which can be found here at the DLS) from 100 meters to 400 meters.

I have one additional question. How do I extend enclosed station's height? CompuDoc's subway station isn't high enough to accomodate some catenary systems and the TTX double stacker freight cars. I plan on running both freight and passenger trains through the stations- both aboveground and underground.

Any advice, help, or know-how's would be appreciated!
I want to avoid spline stations, since they don't have the detail that fixed stations do. I've seen and downloaded a few nice looking stations but they're too short for my long passenger trains. There's still the problem of underground stations being too low to accomodate catenary lines and TTX double stacker cars.

How do I merge these 100 meter long stations into one super-long station instead of having to use 4 sets that don't snap to each other or be counted as a single station?

Also how do I stretch the inside of underground stations a couple of meters taller so the interior can accomodate the catenary lines and double stack freight cars?
hi mate i had the same problem
i use invisible staions up to 400 meters kuis2:117667:
and then i put stations over the top
bahnsteig kuid 121945:
cheers ron

I was wondering how I could make a station longer? I have all these stations that are 50, 100, 150, 200 meters long. I need to make a station (at least the platforms) approximately 400 meters long. The reason why I need a 400 meter long station is because in my route, some trainsets I'll be using will be up to 16 cars long. Examples include Amtrak Clockers, TGV's, Shinaksens, etc. They measure up to 400 meters long so...

How do I merge the smaller stations into a single long station? As it stands, if I place the existing stations I have, they don't work. I mean, if I used the 100 meter station, I'll have to put down 4 seperate stations which will play hell on automated passenger load / offloading. What I need is a passenger enabled station that's 400 meters long and is one object instead of 4 seperate stations.

For example, I'd like to extend CompuDoc's subway stations (which can be found here at the DLS) from 100 meters to 400 meters.

I have one additional question. How do I extend enclosed station's height? CompuDoc's subway station isn't high enough to accomodate some catenary systems and the TTX double stacker freight cars. I plan on running both freight and passenger trains through the stations- both aboveground and underground.

Any advice, help, or know-how's would be appreciated!

You asked the same question about a month ago I don,t think much would have changed since than as far as long stations are concerned

I forgot all about that thread. D'oh!

Do I have to merge stations in GMAX or something? If so, any good sites I can get GMAX from?
You can't merge station objects full stop. If you insist on creating longer stations by using fixed ones then you will need to build your own from scratch using gmax or similar. Gmax is available from

As for making the subway stations taller, again not possible unless you have the gmax source from the original creator.

Okay, thanks.

In other words, I might as well give up on long trainsets and underground stations like Penn Station, then? The longest station I have is the 350m German one, but its not exactly suitable for underground use, it being outdoors-themed and all.
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Why give up. This might be your moment to learn Gmax. If not, maybe some kind soul out there will make one for you.
There is a 400m invisible station on the DLS but you need to add your own platforms etc. Search for station and you will find a lot of underground equipment that you can create your own stations with.