Hi b9k9kiwi --
You raise two issues:
1. Cabs that will not respond.
2. How to drive a steam locomotive using the key pad.
For the first, you might find that the cab is not set up to work in Cab Mode. If this is the case you will need to alias to one that is - for instance, the Big Boy.
For the second, in the more recent sessions that I have uploaded to the Download Station that feature steam locomotives there is an extensive readme file that outlines how to drive to best effect.
This is an extract from the readme:
As experienced Engineers can I assume that we will all be using Cab Mode for this session? Correct? Use the Cab Mode, outside view (press the 2-key).
For both diesel and steam locomotives, pressing the A-key applies the train brakes. Press it multiple times for a full application; pressing Z (the lap position) followed by A will give an immediate full brake application. Q releases the train brake. E is the locomotive brake (also known as the independent brake because it works independently of the rest of the train) toggle. Press it once and the locomotive brakes apply; press again and they release. The locomotive brakes apply and release faster than the train brake, but only operate on the locomotive (at least in real life; the simulation seems to work a little differently). Watch the brake cylinder pressure in the Head Up Display. This gives an indication of the braking force being applied.
When coupling onto a rake of freight or passenger cars, make a full brake application and release to check that all the air hoses are connected
Driving a steam locomotive in Cab Mode is a challenge and you will be spending much more time reacting to gauges and adjusting the controls than looking at the scenery.
The most important features of steam locomotive driving are:
1. The correct use of regulator and reverser.
2. Maintaining the water level in the boiler.
3. Maintaining boiler pressure.
1. Regulator and reverser:
The settings of regulator and reverser are shown in the Head Up Display.
The position of the regulator and reverser can also be seen in the cab internal view (press the 1-key), though I do suggest actually driving the locomotive using the external view (2-key).
Drive with the regulator fully open. Control the speed with the reverser.
The reason for this is simple - the locomotive will work most efficiently if the full boiler pressure is being applied to the pistons in the cylinders. The regulator strangles the flow of steam, so at less than the fully open position of the regulator less than full pressure is applied to the pistons.
The reverser controls the cut-off, which is a measure of the duration of the steam admission to the cylinders. In full forward gear (something like 70 to 80% cut-off in most steam locomotives), steam is admitted to the cylinders for most of the stroke of the piston. At 10% cut-off steam is admitted for only 10% of the stroke, reducing the power significantly but maintaining high efficiency.
To start the locomotive, select full forward gear (press the F-key, multiple times if necessary). release the brakes (Q-key) and progressively open the regulator (W-key). Once underway open the regulator fully (W-key, multiple times) and reduce the cut-off (R-key, multiple times if necessary) to maintain an appropriate speed.
Negative cut-off equals reverse, so when moving forward keep the cut-off positive.
If speed falls when ascending a bank or when accelerating from a signal check, the cut-off might need increasing. Press the F-key.
The S-key (press multiple times) closes the regulator.
To reverse, press the R-key multiple times.
2. Maintaining the water level in the boiler:
The quantity of water in the boiler is shown in the Head Up Display and also in the water gauge in the cab.
The boiler converts water into steam. As the steam is consumed by the cylinders the water level falls.
Additional water is pumped into the boiler by injectors, which are controlled by the I-key and the O-key. The I-key turns the injectors on; the O-key turns them off. There are several positions for the injectors. Press the I-key multiple times for the maximum setting. Press the O-key multiple times to turn them off.
The position of the injectors can be seen in the internal cab view. Press the I and O-keys while scanning the cab ([ , ] and arrow keys). See which levers, taps or knobs move.
Try to maintain the water level at about 70%. Avoid 100% which causes water to carry over into the cylinders, destroying them, or less than about 50% which can cause the top of the firebox to be above the water level and melt, with potentially disastrous consequences if the fusible plugs fail to dampen the fire.
3. Maintaining boiler pressure.
The boiler pressure is shown in the Head Up Display and also on a gauge in the cab.
Burning coal heats the water to produce steam. As the steam is consumed or water injected into the boiler the boiler pressure falls.
Add coal to the fire by pressing the Space Bar (the fire door is animated in the internal view) to increase boiler pressure. The best firing technique is to add coal a little often.
The maximum boiler pressure depends on the particular class of locomotive. It might be shown on the pressure gauge inside the cab; otherwise note the boiler pressure when the session begins. Exceeding the maximum boiler pressure causes the safety valves to pop, wasting steam, water and coal.
The draft effect from the exhaust steam as it passes up the blast pipe to the chimney makes the fire burn bright, generating more heat. The blast is most intense at speed with full regulator and at full cut-off. When stationary or when moving at slow speeds it may be necessary to use the blower to create the desired blast to keep the fire burning brightly.
Use the N-key to open the blower and Shift-N to turn it off. Again, there is an animation inside the cab.
In real life, steam locomotives would travel considerable distances without re-coaling but many "stops for locomotive purposes" were needed to refill the tender with water.
Right click on the tender to view the remaining coal and water.
For those who want to make the session a little more interesting and who feel comfortable editing the config.txt file, I suggest reducing the water capacity of the tender and increasing the coal capacity. This makes it imperative to maintain a watchful eye on water consumption, to drive in a way that conserves water, and makes it essential "to stop when necessary for locomotive purposes" as authorised in the Dispatcher orders.
To do this, find the folder containing the tender (use TrainzObjectz for TRS2004 and CMP for TRS2006), open the config.txt file and change the coal capacity and initial quantity to 15000 and the water to 5000.
In TRS2004 remember to the delete dispatcher.chump file after doing the editing for the changes to take effect; in TRS2006 remember to commit.
Good luck,