How do I add locomotives and cars to "New Train" in Quickdrive


New member
Hey Guys,

Still figuring out how to navigate around TS12. When I open a route, and then go to Quickdrive>New Train, the only rolling stock/locos I show are the default locos with premade consists. None of the locos that I have downloaded, or others that are shown as included with the program, are not shown. So, how to I populate this list to include all my rolling stock and locos?

Thanks everyone for any help.

So, how to I populate this list to include all my rolling stock and locos?

In surveyor, create the consists by selecting locos and carriages until it is set up like you want.

Then select the Consists mode 'C'" option from the Trains "F7" tab, select the pick tool"G" and select the consist you just created. You will be asked to give it a name. That consist will now be available for selection as 'New Train' in any QuickDrive session.

A consist can be one engine, or a string of coaches, or any combination.

Many thanks for the help. Works great. I have found that the manual leaves much to be desired in navigating around the program So glad this forum exists to answer my questions.

Maybe you can help answer this question: Missing Dependencies. I have several assests that I have downloaded. But some of them are missing dependencies. When I go to the list of Missing Dependencies in Content Manager, and drag an item over to the Download window, and Start to download, it will not run, saying the path is unkown, or something close to that. Where can I find out more on this subject, or do you have a quick answer? I have not found anywhere in the manual that addresses this issue. I recently purchased TS 12 and am shoing the build as #61349 on my registration page. However on the initial launch page when starting TS12, it says Build 61388. Also TS 12 is not showing up as a user beside my name on posts. Not a big deal, or is it?

Thanks Bob for any help you can provide.

A quick solution is to select the item that shows missing dependencies and right click and select Download from the pop up menu. This will usually pick up the dependencies. If that doesn't work right click and select Show Dependencies. Then select Show Dependencies in Main Menu. Then download each.
Thanks for the reply. Tried your two suggestions and in each instance, when I load each one into the Download window, and hit Start, nothing happens. The Start button will not activate. The status of each is showing "Built In", if that has any bearing.

Hope this information helps.
