Housing Apartments


New member
In the DLS. I wanted to know if there was anything close to "Housing Apartments."
They look like this in these pictures. I want them for my New York theme.




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In the DLS. I wanted to know if there was anything close to "Housing Apartments."
They look like this in these pictures. I want them for my New York theme.





Howdy KCS617..........

Some I have listed are:

Public Housing - about 6 of them
Block of flats
Flat*** - several of them
Flats** - several of them

If you need kuid numbers, I can dig them out. As previously stated, there are more, but these are some I have chosen to dot my layouts.:wave:
I downloaded some real good ones from Public housing. Does anyone else knoew of some more good Apartment Houseing in the DLS.
If you have any need for anything smaller (I don't know a lot about NY) then you might be interested in the buildings by james73. They're based on those in Glasgow (so I believe - I could be wrong :confused:), and I use them a lot because of their genericness (that can't really be a word, but you know what I mean!).

Otherwise, Ishie might be the way to go. :)

BidMod. :cool:
For X shaped ones, you could take 2 long ones and place them crossing each other in the middle. Maybe add some small building to the top and vary the height with some, then you get the X shaped ones in your pictures.
For X shaped ones, you could take 2 long ones and place them crossing each other in the middle. Maybe add some small building to the top and vary the height with some, then you get the X shaped ones in your pictures.

I actually did that in the beginning. but they came out looking crappy... Then i got tired of doing that.

Anymore good items in the DLS that match up these apartments?