Hoses question !


QCR Route builder
Hi trainz lover,
I know that the brake system of the train uses ONE hose for the air flow( http://www.railroad.net/articles/railfanning/airbrakes/index.php).
But what are those numerous hoses for we see on each side of the locomotive's coupler ?


Thanks !

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The large hose is the standard brake pipe which all airbrake fitted vehicles have.

To allow the locos to operate in multiple at least two additional pipes are required.

A main reservoir pipe (MR) to connect the main reservoirs of all locos in MU so the pressures are equalised and a greater supply of air is available for charging the brake pipe (BP).

The third pipe is sometimes called the equalising pipe (EP) or brake cylinder pipe (BC). This provides air pressure at brake cylinder pressure to the F1 selector valve on all other locos so that those locos duplicate the brake cylinder pressure on the lead or control loco.

The fourth pipe is the independent release pipe (IR) sometimes called actuating pipe (AP) in American systems. The fourth pipe was not common in US practice but tended to be the norm on English Electric locos (especially those for export).

The smaller MU hoses tend to be duplicated on both sides of the coupler.

In addition to the three hoses for airbrake operation a jumper cable is needed which connects the electrical control circuits of all the locos so that the throttle position, sander operation and even the headlights and taillights are repeated on all other locos from the lead loco.


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