
New member
Just uploaded A MP Session & Map....Been haveing problems with the files becomeing corupted...The Map is called BLM...It is unfinished and after It was uploaded I found some Industries that needed to be replaced...So there will be a follow up on the map...
Welcome to the world of MP session uploads.
That why there is so many MP sessions being updated,cause of the brakage of things
when it get uploaded.
I and others has tested session weeks before it is uploaded,with no problems,
then upload it and find that tracks broken from turntables that wern't broken before.(and other thing)
Keep tring,and let others test your route a lot before uploading.
Just wondering? can you Upload a new Map and have A old Map become obsolete ???? and still work.
Yes you can.
And it should be the way to handle.
To bad not many people do this as it will also automaticly inform people who already downloaded your route that an update is available without actively having to monitor the DLS or this topic.

If you upload the map again with the same KUID, it will automaticly get a new version / kuid. You can also do this manually by editing the config file and already giving it a KUID2. You can also achieve this by going into Content Manager, right clicking the item and selecting "create new version".

Example of the order of KUIDs:
1st version of a route: <KUID:645812:100063>
2nd version of a route: <KUID2:645812:100063:1>
3rd version of a route: <KUID2:645812:100063:2>