Helpwith installing data to trs22


I installed data from trs19 to trs22 and after repairs my hard disk was full. A new hard disk was purchased and and cloned. Lots of files were not moved from users file in trs19.
Lots of items were in texture.txt and it is painful selecting each one for conversion Pevs image convertor has the ability to trawl but the undermentioned script using PowerShell does not work.

"c:\program files (x86)\pevsoft\images2tga\images2tga.exe" -trawl c:\users\james\appdata\local\nv3 games\trs22\|editing\1%" Pleease assist
Sounds like you tried to move builtin/payware content using the same methods as moving DLS/modified content. This doesn't work, you need to install your builtin/payware content into the new version using the content store.
Have you got all your TRS19 and TRS22 data on the C drive? You should move them to a different drive to make space on the C drive. All you need to do is copy the TRS19 build************ folder to a new location and point your TRS22 install path to it. Follow with a DBR and you should have it all working.