Help with Traffic in T:ANE

Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering if someone could assist with a problem I am currently having in T:ANE, although I'm hoping it's probably something really simple like a line to be added to the config file.

I have created my own custom region for T:ANE which uses various models of vehicles from the DLS. When the cars are driving along the road however, at least half of their wheel (and sometimes more) is submerged into the baseboard and frankly it looks ridiculous and takes away from the sense of realism. (See pic below)

Is there a line of text I can add to the config file of my region to adjust the ride height of in-game traffic? The issue persists regardless of which roads I use and regardless of the height of the road laid.

I'd be really grateful if someone could assist me.

Thanks =)

I'm sure someone knows a simpler way but what I did was set up my regions for Yarn and YARNish roads by adding this last line to each vehicle(car, truck) in their config. You can change their position(Height) as much as you want. I learned this after looking at a region by Dermmy ( Yes it's a pain, but it's a one time deal. Warning though there is slight difference between those two roads, but if you don't use them not a problem. I clone the cars before doing this so I don't change the original.

mesh "car 05"
auto-create 1
position 0,0,0.1