help with downloads


New member
can anyone help me to download a DMU. i have downloaded some which must be re-skins because they don't work. i don't know how to make them work, i am new to this!can anyone direct me to the right place and how to do this or build one.
plus is there anywhey you can delete downloads you don,t want?
in advance thankyou for the help!
Hi Pavlo69,

Welcome to Trainz and the friendliest forum on the Internet!

From your brief description, it appears that the model is missing some dependencies, or there is an error in the configuration file that prevents Trainz from loading the DMU.

In order for someone to help you, we need some information.
What version of Trainz are you using TRS2006, TRS2004, etc.?

What DMU are you downloading?

This will determine which path to take.


Also, downloading "Trainzobjects" will help with these problems, someone may be kind enough to paste a link for you, or you can google it.

I find it invaluable when using the DLS.

Couple questions

1) Are you running TRS2004 build 23xx version 2.4?

2) Have you checked for missing dependencies with a program called TrainzObjectz

3) Some items from the DLS requires PaintShed as a dependency. Have you downloaded it, installed it, created an item with it, and have saved it?


ive down loaded trainzobjects and paint shed. need help to set it up and help to use it. i am sorry to be a pain, im new to this and trying my hardest. I've built a 53 board route which is coming on but need to learn how to use the new programs
Hi pavlo69 Welcome to the forum
To delete unwanted downloads go to Start-Programs-Auran-TRS2004 then select Content Manager when it loads find the item you wish to delete (here you can also disable unwanted inbuilt items using the check boxes) Right Click and then hit Delete in the popup box
This can also be achieved in a similar manner within (TO) TrainzObjectz
With Paintshed go to Create New select the item you wish to skin and then follow the various stages not forgetting to name and save this will then automatically link Paintshen and Trainz and your new creation will then be found in Surveyor and Railyard
With TO Terry has a tutorial on his website there is also a built in help file
For now start TO and it will automatically check and in most cases give you options to correct faulty items
To find missing dependencies for Rolling stock with TO When it loads click the Rolling Stock option at the bottom of the screen find the item you believe has a problem (the latest downloads are usually at the bottom but all options can be reset by clicking the headings making it easier if you are looking for a title for example) select and Right Click the required item and select Show required rolling stock parts here again you will be given options if there is a problem. While your there also have a look at check dependencies option in the same popup box
It’s also worthwhile when you have made any changes to Delete the Dispatcher chump this option can be found in the menu at the bottom of the screen this file will automatically rebuild next time you start Trainz and reflect the latest changes
Trusting this helps you on the way Regards Bob V
I'm having probs, like been unable to contact download station. then when i do i get a fatal error screen.

honestly i am trying my hardest lol
I need help on how to download

How do I download stuff? It says the Serial Number is Required, I've registered ect, so what do I have to do?
Please help ;)
If it says Serial Number required then did you register your serial number in your Planet Auran profile?

If it says Serial Number required perhaps you are trying to download something from the DLS for a version that you don't have.


Help please...

I've sorted the Serial Number out now, But When I go to download, using the cart thingy, when it's connecting using the helper, and it gets to the "Downloading dependant asset list..." It says "idle" and Unable to contact download station. I've tried 3times now...
Unable To Contact Download Station

I keep getting the above message since I bought a NEW PC and installed trains. I have upgraded 2 build 2370 and upgraded the Helper but still get this message why ?? Cant seem to find out what is wrong.