help with block signalling needed


Active member
hi all
moderators please leave this in both this and TC

i am finding a strange problem when playing the game.

i only have TC 1 + 2.

only when i run a few AI trains does this seem to coem up

whenever AI finds that the next signal is yellow it immedialtely slows to half speed. it does not wait until it arrives at the yellow signal, but slows somtimes miles before in single section running.

i have tried placing a second set of signals about 200 meters from the last set in the block but it does not seeem to help.
please check pic

any help or ideas would be grealy appreciated" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket
That is how AI works, I don't think you can do anything about it.
However, there is a block working rule on the download station. Search for Wolf_9, his rules allow groups of signals to be grouped as in prototype working. It still won't make a consist go any more than half speed in front of a caution signal.

Chuck Brite has a very good tutorial about this at
Scroll down to "sometimes 30 is faster than 60"

From what I've seen of the TC3 UK website block signaling will work in that but not in previous Trainz. Don't expect a patch to fix any AI or signal issues will be made available for either. Was going to suggest what was in previous 2 posts. Have found that with signaling the simpler it's kept the better if possible, that way AI drivers don't get so confused. Just a 04 home sig at the diverging ends of points and an 05 or distant about 1km before junctions seems to work reasonably OK, plus whatever diverging sig at junction throat.
There is a small route called "signal guide(qr)" also some for other systems search TRS2004 under kuid:71298. Unfortunately AI drivers and sigs don't always work in a prototypical manner in any TRS version so far.
Cheers Will
thanks will

i been playing around a bit now but nithing seems to make them run better.

i will have to put up with it and decide if i want to throw more money away on TC3

thanks mate'
You can use a combination of triggers and rules to control signals so they operate prototypically and don't confuse the AI. It requires more work, but (IMO) the end result is worth it.
Natvander: You can use a combination of triggers and rules to control signals so they operate prototypically and don't confuse the AI. It requires more work, but (IMO) the end result is worth it.

how do i do this?

1) Insert invisible checkpoints just beyond every second or third signal.
what and wheer are they to be found?
how do i use them?
2) Use TMS to hold signal red until two blocks ahead are free.
what is a tms?

sorry guys, but i am still failry new to all this.
thanks for the help
hi nismit

so i only need to set this rule up once for all my signas and triggers?
or do i have to name each set of signals and triggers differently?

sorry, the old brain got confused

hi nismit

i might look at that later on down the track.
at the moment that is way too much work

i would prefer to finish caboolture to rockhampton first, after that i can
maybe play with the rules.

woudl this stuff take much extra memory whiel playing with 10+ AI drivign as well as myself?

thanks for the help
If your trouble lies with a particular junction I would recommend placing an invisible signal thingie before the signal that is yellowing up the works. Of course, you can't place it too close, or you could end up blowing the red.
hi euphod

its not just the one

its when they they go from a double line to single line running.
at the next loop ahead for some reason they always get a yellow.

even if i place another signal further in, it still goes yellow

i just cannot figure out why.

it only does this soemtimes, but not all the time.

there never seems to be a reason like another train close enough coming or going

weird huh?

Ron, have you played with the orientation of the switches? I find this often solves the same problem for me.
hi mate

yes, i tried them every which way at both ends of the singles line and even at the other ends of the loop.
seems to make no difference

Hate to throw a spanner:p ...well I am in Kuala Lumpur hot and thirsty:'(

What about single line workings, as in U.K., where consists run both ways?

I use a rule (don't have TRS 2006 with me) something entitled ... "Dynamic"... It requires naming a signal for start of block and end of block. Any loco at end of block has to wait clearance of last loco (should more than one be running from "start of block"

I am using this on Trackplate's :mop: :mop: route Resformal (?) Castle which has very long single line workings.

Sorry I can't be more specific.
hi guys
the track is all single wood
even in the double sections

waiting on the loco is not the problem
running a 5 or 10 mile sibngle track stretch at half speed is.

throws my timing out totally

all the trains are late then

see my probleem?

a guess..

If your getting a consistent yellow aspect for entering a block of single track from the blocks of double track try putting in an intermediate (permisive) signal shortly after the return to single track. If that does not slove the isue try this in reverse at the other end of the block: i.e. put in a permisive signal shortly before the next block. By shortly I mean about 200 yards/meters in excess of your minimum stopping distance.