Help with 10 missing assets and TARL


New member
Hi again...

I just finished downloading like 200 things from the DLS, and I'm missing assets on like 10 of these things in CMP.

How do I find out what specific assets / dependencies are missing from those assets that are listed? And how do I fix these missing dependencies? I looked at TARL and I can't seem to get the hang of it.

Here's the list of objects that I downloaded that have missing assets:

1. A4 Pacific Mallard (by Jetstream)
2. Gondola cable * 2 pulley above (by Cyberstorm)
3. Gondola cable * 2 pulley below (by Cyberstorm)
4. Grass-Rock_grnd (by Dmdrake)
5. Waterfall Module (by Compudoc)
6. Large Station Module (by Compudoc)
7. AJS Gable 58m (by Andi06)
8. AJS Invisible Station 1T 3.5 (by Andi06)
9. AJS Invisible Station 2T 3.5 (by Andi06)
10. Contemporary Hotel (by JFE)

How do I tell which part of these objects are missing? I dunno how to use TARL to fix these missing assets since the TARL site doesn't have a FAQ that explains HOW to do that. Are there any other websites that can help me find / download / fix the missing assets of these 10 objects?

What version of Trainz are you playing with please ??

TRS2004 or 06 or Trainz Classics ??

This will help us help you....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
In CMP select 'missing dependencies', it will list all content with missing or faulty dependencies, right click on a piece of content, a drop down window appears, select "view dependencies".
This will get you started --
Items shown with a "?" are unknown , you will need to search or ask on the forum.
Items with a "!" are faulty you will need to fix the config file.
Items that show "a yellow cog" are installed, no problem.
Items that show a "DS" are on the DLS, simply download these items.

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I'm using Trainz 2006 + Classics... they came bundled together when I bought it last fall.

Here's the KUID's of the dependencies that are "broken". Thanks for the how-to, DLR!


Unknown Location: <kuid:4468:54001>
Faulty A4 Pacific <kuid:4468:53002>
Faulty Mallard_interior <kuid:4468:55002>

Gondola Cable:

Unknown Location: <kuid:78193:39913>
Unknown Location: <kuid:78193:39912>




Faulty BB4000_spline <kuid:33404:37177>
Faulty Birch 1 <kuid:78078:24004>
Faulty Birch 2 <kuid:78078:24005>
Faulty Rocky_Stream_Bed_5 <kuid:2:33404:5012669:2>

Large Station Module:

Unknown Location: <kuid:56732:10001>
Unknown Location: <kuid:85701:110012>
Unknown Location: <kuid:85701:37009>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9000:37016>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9000:37021>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:316:26027:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:33404:504360:2>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:57230:25502:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:57230:25503:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:57230:25504:1>

Faulty 2-lane tunnel entrance <kuid69937:40005>
Faulty Birch 2 <kuid:78078:24005>
Faulty DOME-Side Wall Flr.2 <kuid:59906:39011>
Faulty hydraulic buffer <kuid:2:116926:16080:127>
Faulty Invisible Road <kuid:2:64819:37319:1>
Faulty Lampadaire01 <kuid:64819:28115>
Faulty New-York-Deco-1 <kuid:2:33404:504540:2>
Faulty Panneau Banc double <kuid:64819:28112>
Faulty Panneau Pub <kuid:64819:28111>
Faulty panneau-compo <kuid:74708:27036>
Faulty Porsche_911 <kuid:68787:25139>
Faulty Round Up <kuid:316:26023>
Faulty Strab Stadthaus 4 <kuid:69084:20575>
Faulty Sydney-Flats-4 <kuid:2:33404:504378.2>
Faulty Tickets_Platform <kuid:42884:28003>

Missing dependencies: AJS Gable 58m <kuid:122285:3514>
Missing dependencies: AJS Invisible Station 1T 3.5 <kuid:2:122285:3401:3>
Missing dependencies: AJS Invisible Station 2T 3.5 <kuid:2:122285:3402:3>
Missing dependencies: Contemporary Hotel <kuid2:31293:28003:3>

AJS Gable:

Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3590>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3599>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:4089>

AJS Invisible Station 1T:

Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3495>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3496>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3499>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:4089>

AJS Invisible Station 2T:

Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3495>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3496>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:3499>
Unknown Location: <kuid:122285:4089>

Contemporary Hotel:

Unknown Location: <kuid:31293:28004>
Unknown Location: <kuid:31293:28005>


Compudoc's station sure has A LOT of broken dependencies, eh?

On a side note, does anyone know if there's any good underground stations for mainline use (not subways)? Something like Back Bay in Boston, Penn Station in NYC, and Grand Central in NYC?

Unknown Location: <kuid:4468:54001>
Faulty A4 Pacific <kuid:4468:53002>
Faulty Mallard_interior <kuid:4468:55002>

To be honest, I've looked at the Mallard you are trying to use & IMHO you would be better off using his <KUID2:4468:4988:1>
With that one you not only get Mallard, but it has the option in surveyor of using 5 or 6 different running numbers.
The items by Andi06 ( kuid:122285 ) can be obtained from his own website at:

but where exacly I have the kuid 122295:3590 because that is the one that comes up as the one that is missing and i have found out that is the track he used and without it i cant even put in new track! Please tell me where exaly on that website it its i would be thankfull.

no need i found it it was in the station/station gable objects section, thanks anyway!
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