
New member
Oh dear, I have gotten myself into a terrible mess. I have been deleting baseboards on a copy of ECML to create a London Suburban route. I ended up at Edinburgh, and have deleted all populated baseboards north of Potters Bar. North of PB are only empty (or only textured) baseboards. I made some gaps in the route, and I now cannot get back to the London area. "Find Object" does not list anything south of Potters Bar. (and hardly anything north, since I've deleted it all.)

I am currently replacing a long thin line of baseboards to get me down South again. But I'm not sure I am going in the right direction to meet up with the rest of the route!

I bet no one has ever done anything as daft as this before, but I wonder if anyone has a suggestion as to how I can get myself back to London. I have tried a DBR, no success.

I do have a backup copy of the route, but there's a lot of work gone into this so I'd like to get it back if I can.

Yours embarrassedly,
Mick, assuming you have not turned off your backups, there could be up to 7 days backups of your route, may not be obvious by the name but you can tell by the fact they will have a mapfile.gnd just import the latest one before you started chopping it about.
Meanwhile, do you have auto-backup activated? You might find the missing parts in there. Otherwise, be prepared to recreate the missing baseboards. Think of it as a wonderful learning opportunity.
What was wrong with leaving the extra baseboards intact ?

My route has over 40,000 baseboards ... possibly more than 100,000 baseboards ... and operates on a low end integrated graphics laptop from 1991
Bad move to delete baseboards with the vast draw distance in TANE until the route is finished, I just had to create the other half of a Mountain due to the baseboard edge being now blatantly obvious and ugly in TANE even on 4000m couldn't even see it in TS12 on max draw distance.
I wanted to reduce load and save times, and not have all the tons of track marks and other items that I don't need for the small route I am making.
I'll look at the backups and see if one happened just before the fatal blow.
The backups folders are my best friends. I have visited them a few times so far and they've bailed me out every time. :)

I agree on deleting baseboards. I made the same mistake and had to redo a section again because I knocked off the side of a mountain!

On another route I had a brain fart while removing baseboards and left a gaping hole in the middle of a route right smack where the tracks were supposed to go. There was no way around this one, like fake in lumps and put trees on it so I ended up replacing that single missing baseboard using the original TransDEM export and doing a lot of trimming on that to get that single baseboard, which I imported and plopped right into place. This beat all the trimming of the gazillion baseboards I had trimmed before, and a made sure I didn't do that again, besides I now save more often during the trimming.

Sadly there was no backup in the small window of time that would have saved me from myself.
It didn't take too long to do the work over again.

I have been abusing TANE massively recently, and it has been solid as a rock.

John, have you been able to replace a baseboard in the middle of a route? I thought it had to be on the outside.

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Sadly there was no backup in the small window of time that would have saved me from myself.
It didn't take too long to do the work over again.

I have been abusing TANE massively recently, and it has been solid as a rock.

John, have you been able to replace a baseboard in the middle of a route? I thought it had to be on the outside.


Nope you can slide it into the gap...... yes I've been there as well.
Hi Mick, how do you think Stuart got your underground route into the ECML, he chopped out the space needed and then merged it to the main route and tidied up the gaps.
Hi Mick, how do you think Stuart got your underground route into the ECML, he chopped out the space needed and then merged it to the main route and tidied up the gaps.

Yep and everytime I work on the master copy which only I have. I make sure I save a new version at least twice in an evenings work ! Never ever ever work for days on the same version.


ECML Project Leader
You can't just keep going with the deleting? Eventually when you remove your "island" it should jump back to the nearest land
Hi Mick, how do you think Stuart got your underground route into the ECML, he chopped out the space needed and then merged it to the main route and tidied up the gaps.

Hi Paul.
It's a bit different I think. The Widened Lines was an extension of the route from Kings Cross, so it was at the outer edge, so to speak. It was completely separate, we just had to join up the tunnels.

I'm going to be putting something in at Finsbury Park, so it will be in the middle. I don't want to delete all those lovely houses. But there's only one way to find out, and that's to try it, which I shall do (on a copy) tonight.

I've set myself a goal to delete 100 blank baseboards from ECML every time I use Trainz. I wonder how long it will take to get rid of them all?

Ha you will be suprised once you get going, I don't envy you that task but you will get there in the end. It would be wise to start at the Edinburgh end and work your way down saving as often as you can, a tip is don't have the autosave on as the last time I checked it wasn't working properly, I don't know if it was fixed for SP1 but it used to cause a crash to desktop.
Ha you will be suprised once you get going, I don't envy you that task but you will get there in the end. It would be wise to start at the Edinburgh end and work your way down saving as often as you can, a tip is don't have the autosave on as the last time I checked it wasn't working properly, I don't know if it was fixed for SP1 but it used to cause a crash to desktop.

As I said in another post TANE seems to be rock solid. I did the route merge, it was tough as I was merging a tiny twelve baseboard route into ECML. The CPU was going at 100%, no problems. While deleting baseboards I keep Task Manager open and keep the CPU out of danger.