Help! Nothing downloads right in TC


New member
Got the new Trainz Classic and Harlem route works fine. Tried to load the "seaside" route and it says things are missing. When I press to get them I get a "0 byte" file which moos when I try to use it.

After figuring out the downloading utility I successfully downloaded 6 scenerios and two routes one at a time. When I tried to load each of these in Driver or Surveyor I got the same message.

What am I missing?
From what I have read, alot of DLS stuff that works with TRS2006 will not work with TC. This is particularly a problem with routes/layouts. It seems alot of the stuff that comes standard with TRS2006 does not come with TC so layouts made to work with earlier versions of Trainz Cannot find stuff since they are assumed to be standard but aren't and are not on the DLS either.
If this does not help, I sugest you post to the TC section of the forum.