Help! Looking for a couple animated objects on the DLS.


Active member
I'm looking from some animated assets which I used on my old ts12 routes, but I can't remember their name or KUID, therefore I haven't been able to find them on the DLS to re-download them.

The 1st object is an animated caterpillar excavator with a claw arm. It can be seen in this youtube video here:
(Cut to 7:45 to get a good view of it)

The 2nd object is a animated trans-load depot, with Russian lettering on it. I don't have a video of it, but I can tell you it comes in two parts. First part is the trans-load warehouse shell, the second part is the animation taking place inside the shell.

Any help finding these objects would be greatly appreciated. :D
Do you still have TS12 and the route?

If you do go to your user data folder in SP1 HF4/build 61388, create a trainzoptions.txt, or add to the existing trainzoptions.txt file if one exists already the following option:


This will display the asset kuids while in Surveyor which is really helpful.

In T:ANE there's a checkbox for this option in the settings.


When driving use the keys instead. It saves mousing around on the interface which is prone to accidents. W for forward, X for reverse, S for stop, A to apply brakes, B for bell, and H for horn. It's a lot faster and easier. :)

Very nice look route, by the way!
Could the animated industry be the following. Peter

n sklad stat kuid:370528:1313
n sklad anim kuid:370528:1315
Pete- Looks like you're right on the money, checked and found the handler cat, now off to grab that animated trans-load center. Big save bro.

JC- Thanks for the tips and advice, unfortunately I deleted my route and it was only later that evening that I realized "Oh God the KUIDS!"
I'll take your advice and activate the option in surveyor to see KUIDS, maybe even print them off this time! :D
The route depicted in the youtube vid's not mine, but you are right it is one seriously awesome layout. And it was made years ago! Those boxcars look pretty good too, don't they?

A big thank you for your help dudes.