Help! Help! Passenger Problem 2010


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Help! Help! Passenger Problem 2010 -- Fixed now, Thanks

Fixed now ---- I don't know what I did but everything that references Passengers <kuid:-3:11060> has forgotten that we're not using that anymore, so now I have 800+ assets with a missing dependency: Passengers <kuid:-3:11060>.

How do I fix this. How do I make sure it doesn't happen again.

I'll be ever so grateful for any support so I can have my Trainz back.


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Hi Chris,

You will now have to download <kuid: 3:11061> (passengers) as 3:11060 is shown as built in and not available. 3:11061 shows an error which is an attachment point problem, but do NOT try to clear the error as you end up with a further problem if you do.

After down loading go into surveyor and '?' the assets that have passengers missing, you should then see them return. You may also have to check all your passenger rolling stock in the same way, otherwise you will find the rolling stock won't load/unload.

I know its a lot of work, but I had the same problem.
You could try to download a wagon who has the missing asset .

If you still have the missing asset in CM bút with Missing Dependencies mark try to klick right on the asset >>>>>edit>>>klick revert to Original.
Database repair did the trick.

Thank you for your help, carr and leskie.

The distressing part of the problem was that the asset wasn't missing, just obsolete. But the assets that used this kuid for the passengers wouldn't recognize the fact that the updated version was installed and available for use.

The extended database repair solved the problem. Thank goodness I didn't have to do 836 assets (mostly rolling-stock) one at a time. They broke all at once, so I had a feeling there was a single fix for all the assets.

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