Help! Frozen locomotives!


Well-known member
There is a particular diesel engine on my several of my TS12 routes, including one of my own original authorship, that I cannot do any of the following to:

1. open the Properties dialog box using the ? tool
2. move
3. rotate
4. delete
5. drive
6. assign drivers to
7. delete track underneath them where they are parked
8. uncouple them since they are together as a pair

Several instances of this particular loco are mere images parked on the track not able to do anything or go anywhere. They exhibit no enginesounds or smoke either. None of the other train vehicle models on these routes seem to be so adversely affected where they are completely unusable. Running TS12 Extended Database repair twice in a row did not fix this issue. The problem seems to either be with the train vehicles or Trainz 12 and not the individual routes they are installed on.

There are no assets in TS12 listed as faulty either.

What happened?

I should note that I was able to ADD additional locos of this same model albeit with no road numbers on the cabs like the frozen ones have.

The b_tch of it is that replace assets does not allow for train vehicles to be replaced so I cannot even try replacing the "frozen" engines.

Should I reinstall Trainz altogether?
I do have all my route work and special modified assets backed up in CDP files.
Could my UserData folder also be corrupt?

Here is the engine model "to nowhere" on my various layouts:

norfolksouthern37's SP SD40-T2 <kuid2:45324:100012:1>

I had several instances of this engine on the same route always coupled together as a pair and each with its own auto-generated number.

I have had trouble with this very same engine in the past in other ways. I would open the route up for edit and discover that this engine had vanished on its own like a ghost. I tried to add it back but couldn't because there was no thumbnail view for it in Trains tab though its name was listed int he search bar. I then found out that Ext. Db. Repair could make the missing engine come back again and the engine worked again normally.

But hold on....I have just reinstalled and opened back up my latest route in progress from a CDP file and now this damn engine is missing from the route altogether! Not under thumbnail tab like before. So, I am now running XDR a 3rd time to see if this fickle norfolksouthern37 loco decides to come back again this time, hopefully, movable and running as normal again....tick-tock-tick-tock

please stay tuned....
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Yes, this loco was originally in the Route layer and it is still not showing up in the Route layer even after the third XDR run and a PC reboot even. . Let me check the camera spheres layer to see if it just happened to have auto-migrated over there....

....nope, not showing up in camera spheres either nor session layer...there are no more layers besides route layer

so, my efforts are now going to running PC malware scans and registry repair followed by a Trainz reinstall if needed

Surveyor is running really slow now too taking a long time to render objects on the map. John JCitron had said to me a long time ago that routes being worked on in progress get route rot over time and fall apart. I think the Trainz 12 game itself is now breaking down over time since it has been about 3 months now since it was last installed.

see ya all in a while...
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Thank you, Captain.

Also, I think I will refrain from installing trains in a route from now on until the route is absolutely completely built and ready to run (except for testing whereby I could install just a train vehicle or two for test-drive purposes as a route is being developed).

The trouble with any session associated with a route is that its assets, settings, commands are lost (set back to default) every time the route is modified.

I have literally hundreds of train cars and locos, if not a thousand or more, all over my route and it would be rather a pain to replace them all over again each time the route is edited.

For some reason, the older session and its content does not carry over each time a route in progress is edited and/or re-saved under a new name.

I never thought a session layer could be merged with a route.

This thread was not to complain but to genuinely seek help for a new problem I am now facing.
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If you select 'Do not save session' when you make changes, your session will have the updated version of the route and all it had before.
Thank you. I have been in the habit of saving the route and session jointly each time following route edit work. No wonder I keep losing my Display Custom HUD, Turntable Input Rule, various driver commands and so forth.

If there is a way to keep an old session intact following route edits that would be be nice.

How does Autosave affect the sessions?
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After setting up rules drivers and such that are likely to be common to all sessions I merge the session with the route then save, that ensures all your rules etc stay with the route and you can just concentrate with setting up sessions.
I have reinstalled TS12. I am now copying my backup user data to its UserData folder after deleting the default install data from it.

Hopefully, my beloved SP SD40T-2 will come back again like its same old self.

Hopefully, Surveyor will speed up again and those sinkholes will become less frequent after a fresh re-install of the game.

I should also run XDR once more.

I wish I had some wood to knock on here for good luck.
Wouldn't that be placing all your past mistakes, and corruption ... right back into the re-installed game ?

Honestly ... Trainz is a joy for me ... I build, I edit, I have absolutely no problems or difficulties with laying track, locos, terrain or textures ... all my AI Trainz follow directions to the T (Trackmark), with all junctions named: ~

If I were having so many multitudes of problems with Trainz, I would have a stomach ulcer

The only locos that I lose HUD are the 12, 10, 09 ones that I backdate into TRS2006
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The problem was with that particular loco. Not anything else, I suspect. The loco is not even available at the DLS. It is hardwired into TS12. Packaged there as original content.

I believe that TS12 itself can break down over time. This same loco has caused trouble earlier. It would disappear but XDR would bring it back again. XDR wasn't doing any good lately, alas.

I hoping I will get that loco back on my layouts (hibernating in my CDP backup folder) with a fresh new TS12.
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The trouble with any session associated with a route is that its assets, settings, commands are lost (set back to default) every time the route is modified.

I have literally hundreds of train cars and locos, if not a thousand or more, all over my route and it would be rather a pain to replace them all over again each time the route is edited.

For some reason, the older session and its content does not carry over each time a route in progress is edited and/or re-saved under a new name.

This is not necessarily true: you can edit the "mapkuid" tag in the session config so that it refers to the KUID of the new map version, unless, in the new map version, you edited:

  • the trackwork where your consist are travelling or standing
  • any asset that anyway interacts with the session (e.g. TM that are called by "Drive to/Navigate to TM", junctions called by "Set Junction" rules or "Control/Free Junction" orders)
Nope, still can't get back the missing loco. This time I will reinstall TS12 and keep my backed-up UserData folder out of it and see what happens. All my routes are in CDP anyway.

I guess the trouble lurks inside the backed-up UserData folder.