Help finding Buildings that I can place Downtown on my Route


33 Year Old Railfan
So far I've gotten the roads placed in surrounding the station in the small town of Waters, Mississippi. The town of Waters is actually a suburb of Columbus, Mississippi. To create the look of a small town, I decided to use several towns as a starting point. The towns are Attala, Alabama, Dalton, Georgia and Newport, Tennessee. I've already have davesnow's storefronts and some of his other stores, but I need some more of various types. Can someone provide any assistance?

Here's a picture on the west side of downtown Newport, Tennessee. A fair amount of my Dad's relatives call the area of Newport home. Based on the side, a relative of mine owned or owns the building:,-83.188339,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s7akYgzI5WbSQffehv4Zisg!2e0

And here's a picture in the center of downtown Newport, Tennessee. Move around to see more of downtown Newport:,-83.1866675,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sO86b7oppFyaT70_mL7U_OQ!2e0

And here's a picture in the center of downtown Attala, Alabama. Move around to see more of downtown Attala:,-86.0891745,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1srL3Vzy2hs1FExVcXhZiTzg!2e0

And here's a picture of downtown Dalton. Move around to see more of downtown Dalton:,-84.9679221,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sB31bKAVHJWlE76wopW0SZw!2e0
Even though they're older assets, I think dmdrake's (author #33404) buildings still look good in TS10/12 if they aren't placed trackside. His "neighborhoods" are an easy way to create a downtown area several blocks from the tracks. Many are for larger cities, but some might work for smaller towns. You might also check out euphod (author #7592). He reskined a number of Dave's buildings.
Ask davesnow if you can repaint some of his.

I'm not trying to recreate what's in the links, I'm just using those as examples for the buildings I'm looking for.

Also, one more. Here's downtown Rogersville, Tennessee. My grandmother on my Mom's side and my aunt and her kids live in Rogersville. Rogersville truly has that feeling of small town America. An example if their Fourth of July parade. Anytime my family goes up there, my Mom and Dad catch up with what's going on since the last visit. The numerous names they talk about makes it seem like everybody-knows-everybody. Because of this, I call Rogersville 'Mayberry with a Wal-Mart' (Note: If you ever watch the old TV show The Andy Griffith Show, you'll be familiar with the town of Mayberry, North Carolina). Picture:,-83.0064091,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1szuOKDj6YB1mFgdP0Zqv8mA!2e0
All over America, and I dare say Canada, too, there are small towns with downtown Storefronts like those. Some are falling into disrepair--- others are being renovated.

I've made a bunch of storefronts-- Over 50 different . Have you used the ones titles "Older type Storefront" ? Search using that name.
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All over America, and I dare say Canada, too, there are small towns with downtown Storefronts like those. Some are falling into disrepair--- others are being renovated.

I've made a bunch of storefronts-- Over 50 different . Have you used the ones titles "Older type Storefront" ? Search using that name.

Yeah, I've got those too. I was using those as the downtown area. I'm downloading a lot of content via ftp so that I don't have to download content via CM, so I can run Trainz while still downloading. I wan't planning on using your others because downtown tends to have the oldest buildings, so I was using the Older type Storefront for the downtown area.