Having Problems Setting up Driver Commands


33 Year Old Railfan
So here's what I'm doing:
I've modified the built-in 'Norfolk and Western - Appalachian Coal' to create a semi-correct, 'modernized' version called 'Norfolk Southern - Appalachian Coal'. There's now two portals (an 'In portal' and a 'Out Portal'), a nine-track staging yard, set up in a reverse-loop style to turn the turn the train around, at each end of the route. I've got several trains set up at three staging yards, the Christiansburg Staging Yard, located where the Christiansburg Portal is on the built-in route, the Pulaski Staging Yard, where the Pulaski Portal is on the built-in route, and the Elkhorn Staging Yard, where the Elkhorn Portal is on the built-in route. There are several trains set up at each staging yard, and their opposite train is at another staging yard based on research on this website (http://www.krunk.org/ns-nrv/trains.shtml).
The problem is this:
I want to use the 'trigger check rule' to start the trains moving, with one starting another in a different staging yard, which starts one in a different staging yard, which starts another in another staging yard, etc. etc. etc.. I would like to set it up where the train is 'triggered' via the 'trigger check rule', wait x amount of time using the 'Wait' command, then leave the staging yard, going to the other staging yard, returning to the original staging yard, then use the 'Repeat' command to continue traveling back and forth. However, I am concerned that with the 'Repeat' command, once it gets back to the staging yard it started at, the train will then wait x amount of time, which I don't want it to do. Can someone provide any assistance to solve this problem?
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I am concerned that with the 'Repeat' command, once it gets back to the staging yard it started at, the train will then wait x amount of time, which I don't want it to do. Can someone provide any assistance to solve this problem?

You might want to look at the "Enable Repeat" command: It repeats everything after it in the command queue.

Works well with the Driver Command Library (is that what it's called?) which allows you to make lists of commands to copy to your drivers (using the Copy commands command). if you have multiple trains doing similar things definitely the way to go.


You might want to look at the "Enable Repeat" command: It repeats everything after it in the command queue.

Works well with the Driver Command Library (is that what it's called?) which allows you to make lists of commands to copy to your drivers (using the Copy commands command). if you have multiple trains doing similar things definitely the way to go.



This is really useful. I use this all the time for commuter service and for my trolley lines which have continuous service between destinations.

I agree the schedule library and companion copy commands from are the bee knees. They save so much time when setting up driver schedules.

This is really useful. I use this all the time for commuter service and for my trolley lines which have continuous service between destinations.

I agree the schedule library and companion copy commands from are the bee knees. They save so much time when setting up driver schedules.

I shudder to think about how I set up my commuter trains before I discovered this. And that was back in TS2006 which seemed to require a re-install every month or so. And my 230 MgHz machine could/would not import content so I basically lost everything once a month...

Broke my heart - had to put Trainz down for about 5 years. Thank goodness for TS2009/10 which I haven't had to re-install once (knock wood). And I have either better search and archiving tools or I understand them better so if I really have to re-install my content should be OK.

Back to the subject of this thread: Is that what it's called? "Enable Repeat"? That's what our OP-er needs, yes?