TrainzDiag troubleshooter
Hi all there is a problem when I go to various pages on the forum say the Freeware Announcements on some threads where there are a lot of pages and sometimes where there are only two pages I get taken to a totally different site page.
I am currently using Fire fox and this has only been happening lately so I dont know if its down to Fire Fox or something to do with the forum?
Any way this is what is happening I click onto a page numbered link and then get taken to a totally different location to the one I want.
See screen shot below, what I want to know is why is this happening and can I do anything to stop it?
If I go back a page to where I was then retry the same link it will go to the correct link but it should be doing this the first time I try it.
Has anyone else had this problem????
I am currently using Fire fox and this has only been happening lately so I dont know if its down to Fire Fox or something to do with the forum?
Any way this is what is happening I click onto a page numbered link and then get taken to a totally different location to the one I want.
See screen shot below, what I want to know is why is this happening and can I do anything to stop it?
If I go back a page to where I was then retry the same link it will go to the correct link but it should be doing this the first time I try it.
Has anyone else had this problem????

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