Happy Birthday Dinorius_Redundicus


Getting Older :)
Happy Birthday Deane


I hope you have a great scrappy day with your family and friends while enjoying a drink in some run down derelict establishment that sells very old, aged beer and still has cars parked outside from the last century (certainly called vintage, vintage cars).

Many thanks for all you help to me, the community and your creative contributions to the DLS. Many routes are enhanced by your content to come alive in our Trainz World.


Happy Birthday Deane.
I too will drink to that... You share a birthday with one of my family so we'll have one for you too.
Have a great day and many more like it.
Happy Birthday Deane. Sorry I didn't reply to this thread before now, but my computer crashed, had to buy a new one and I'm just now getting things back up and running. At least now I can run TS12 without it being a slide show it appears.

I hope you had a great one.


Happy birthday Deane and a greatttttt day and many ahppy years to follow.

Ning sends a happy Thai smiley and birthday hug :p
ok me too nothing wrong Ning says:eek::cool:

Roy n Ning:)

Happy birthday Deane and thank you for all the Thai content and that bottle of Singha
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Ooh, I just discovered this thread with 1 hour to go before the day finishes. I was trying to keep my birthday low profile, but you guys blew my cover. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

As they say in Thailand "love you long time"!

Your modelling slave,

~ Deane :hehe:
This will be fashionably late...

Happy Birthday Deane!
Me remembers... when Deane was a newby :D
Who woulda thunk he would forge on to be such a great creator?!?!?
Thank you for your contributions!
CheerZ M88888888888! :wave: