Grouping of Industries and other objects


New member
Yes, I know some of this needs to be in the suggestion forum, but I don't have permissions to post there. I would love to see sub-headings added to the "objects" tab in creation mode. Having all usable industries, track signals, trackside buildings, and other general object categories grouped together under individual sub-headings would make it a lot less frustrating for people starting out in route creation.

Edited: Found what I was looking for. The thread is titled wrong; should be Grouping of Industries and other objects

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You can rename them in CM

All my favorite assets are prefixed with the letter "A", now they show up right at the top of my picklist

ie: A SM PRR Yard Target Left

All my levers and switch machines have been relabeled "SM"
Just found a mention by cascaderaiload that asset names can be changed.
I would be most pleased to be able to do this but can anyone tell me how on a Mac
Happy New year to everybody
The other thing you can do, depending on version, is to get good doing Keyword searches with the Content Search option next to the menus on the Menu Bar.

Sometimes you might want an industry, but after having downloaded every industry enabled object you can find on the DLS there still isn't a suitable choice for what you're looking for. So you need to kitbash one out of parts/buildings and an Industry Track.

Anymore its rare Im satisfied with single objects for Trackside details.... Familiarizing yourself with whats available across all categories is really what it usually takes to make the model/representation you want to see..... Unless you want to start making assets yourself XD.

Good Luck regardless,