

New member

I was wondering about the nice grass I see used in many routes. It makes for a more realistic scenery rather than just textures. I tried using some different grass but even a few of them made a big difference on performance. Is there any suggestions on how grass can be used with lower impact on performance?

Grass has a lot of visual effect in a small area, so it does tend to drag down framerate. You're probably on the right track. Just use a little here and there beside the track. Don't bother with it beyond the right of way. Are you using Jankvis grass? I think his is fairly easy on framerates.
Other people might have better suggestions on what grass to use.

:cool: Claude
Also don't mix too many kinds in one area. Several of the same object always have less impact than the same number of different items.

Thanks guys keep the suggestions coming...

I did try this shrub like "Plant" to see what it looked like and found it was very similar to something I used to smoke in my teenage years :)
Thanks guys keep the suggestions coming...
I did try this shrub like "Plant" to see what it looked like and found it was very similar to something I used to smoke in my teenage years :)

It's OK robby2, as long as you didn't inhale ---:cool:

Sorry ---DLR