

New member
Hi Everyone :)

I'm not really THAT new here, just been inactive for a wile for personal reasons. Anyways, that brings me to a question I have. I am wondering about the CN GP9rm models made by cnr. I have one of the ones he made, unit # 7239. I have seen other units in videos, pictures, and stuff. I primarly am looking for one with the white stripes paint scheme (The one I have has a pure black and red body). If anyone knows about, or has another one of these units, I would really like to add another to my fleet :), as the GP9rm/GP9u is my favourite locomotive. They work like dogs, and hardly ever break down.

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

P.S - Does anyone still do Iportals for TRS2006?
My brother and I both have this game, but he uses my account aswell, and I don't think it's possible to send trains between us with just the one account.
Alright, thanks, I never saw that thread. I'm taking it that the other GP9rm units arn't going to be out for a wile then.
As for the internet connection thing, I think it should be possible, as long as your computers are connected by a network, to iPortal over said network.
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That's what I thought to, However we only have the one account between the two of us, and it deactivates one of our portals if we try. So like, we would both be on, my portals would be online, His would to, however his are in a red box, and mine are in a green.
Do I have to enable sharing between the two computers? We tried sending between us, the portals were set properly, and were set to send trains via the internet.
The best thing to do is to run the network setup wizard from the control panel. This will give you an IP address, and gives you the option of turning on file sharing, which isn't necessary.
He is connected to my router, it is how he gets his internet in the first place. What I am saying, is when we set it up, we had the portals set to send VIA internet. If I am sending to his computer, but he is using the same account, do I set it to send within the computer?