Good uses for wireframe mode.


Well-known member
1. to see the ground and grid lines easy so as to make precise ground spot height adjustments

2.removes textures for a bright light blue contrast to see splines and objects easy: helps to move them around for precise alignment looking straight down as in joining corners of walls or placing light posts along fences close

3. to inspect map for unwanted spikes or sinkholes: they stick out like a sore thumb as wireframe makes the ground transparent: hint: also, chose a winter month in Environment to defoliate trees for map inspections, this declutters the ground some to make it easy to spot Topo troubles
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Thanks ... I would have never thought of that :o

I always dial the time of day so the grid background is a light chocolate, so it is not so blinding
Also, Jon, it's very very useful to see where your water extends too far from your rivers and streams. Then you can delete the un-needed water so as not to make so much drain on your CPU.
For looking for noisy sound objects, or other things like that need to be removed but start out from a single point.
I made some "seasonal" snow objects (snow piles and snow bank splines) which are only visible at altitudes greater than the map's Environmental snowline setting. To make them easier to find when snow is not displayed, I equipped them with visible place-markers that sit just below the ground. Wireframe mode reveals these markers.
Wireframe is also useful when used together with layers; for example, buildings on a layer can be hidden so that assets below them underground can be seen.
