Glass dome


New member

I'm working on an Outer planet layout, and I need glass domes to construct them. I am currently using the small dome parts from mrtrain, but I don't know if the construction will come to an end. Does anyone know anywhere where I can download a pack of differently sized full strucutures? A complete glass dome:


Hi fc2:

I think you mean a transparent (hollow) half-sphere. Probably several ways to make one. Example:
1. Make a sphere the desired diameter and use the slice option to remove the bottom half.
2. Make a slightly smaller diameter sphere and place it inside the larger.
3. Use the boolean transform to "hollow out" the larger sphere.
4. UVW map and add the transparent glass texture built into gmax or one of your choice.
5. Add bracing and internal details and its moonbase time.

What about the bracing? Got a pic or drawing and what diameters did you have in mind?

Don't know about the "hero" part unless is a ft long subway sub (yum) but I'll be glad to give it a try. Just need dimensions, etc perhaps a pic or 2 from a sci-fi mag to give me some idea of what he has in mind.


EDIT: Just out of curiosity, I tried making one. It took me about a half hour to make a 200 ft diameter hollow semi-transparent half dome with bracing. Only downside is to get a smooth curve you need at least 48 sides for the dome and 48 length sections to the curved braces. Ups the poly count to around 15K for the item (without airlocks which could be separate items). Making one like a quanset hut (only bigger) shouldn't be difficult either. It could be left solid but a hollowed out half sphere has 527 less polys then a solid one with the same number of sides.
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Hi Guys:

I made a dome, an airlock, and a tunnel spline (to go between airlocks). Have tested them in Trainz and will upload tommorrow (out of time today). You can play with them and see of they are what you have in mind. I can easily make different sized domes and quanset huts to add to the series if you are are interested. This dome is hemispherical but it can easily be converted to parabolic.

Kinda interesting to make (anything other then another bridge, lol).

I was thinking of doing a dome myself but got cought up with the nasa stuff ...the tunnel idea is ok as well Ben My idea was the track between the great domes is a enclosed glass tube with the inside this pressereized whooshy tubular funy sci fi train thing with a touch of Flash Gordon 30's sci fi?:confused: .........just cut a sphere in half delete half the polys use alpha textures or transparency bmp maps instany glass n frame where ever possible polys wont be too hard then
Hi Freightcar 2,

Do a search on the DLS for Kuid 59906:

You will find a number of items to assemble LARGE domes.

Hi dreddman:

They should show up on the dls tommorrow (I hope). I made the tunnel spline glass enclosed so people will show up inside. Its small tho. I can make a larger one for trains. Just need to know some dimensions for whatever you are using (overhead supported monorail perhaps)? Gravity being low I wouldn't think a normal train would do well (low adhesion between the wheels and rails). Maglev would work quite well as it isn't gravitty dependent.

This dome is hemispherical at 200 ft diameter but I've already squashed it to make 2 flattened ones (same diameter but 75 ft and 50 ft tall in the center). Larger and smaller diameters can be made too. Let me know after you experiment with this one.

An airlock for a train is a problem. If big enough for a complete train it would take forever to pump the air in and out. A more likely solution is a flexible section to "mate" with the corresponding part on a traincar. Perhaps a specialized traincar just having an airlock on each side.

I've done a dome, with a radius of 500m,300m,100m .... but never upload ...

Might revisit the project ... :hehe:
Actually plants:wave:

They were created 3 years ago to accommodate Dmdrakes awesome plants collection .... it was support to be a greenhouse on Mars ... since I was playing Renegade at that time!!!:p

Dunno why glass domes attract my attention, but they do.

Bendorsey has just uploaded several packs of some very cool assets that will look superb on any planet. Well done to Bendorsey.

I think I will be re-visiting Mars.
Thanks Alan:

I have some more to upload today. None are geodesic tho (made with triangular or hexagonal parts). Might give that a go and see if I can make them. Thank heaven for the array command in gmax as positioning all those parts one at a time would not be a fun experience, lol.

Might make some quansett hut shaped parts and a quad airlock too where 4 tunnel splines meet in the boonies (outback to Alan), lol.

What are you gents using for trains? Monorail of some kind?


P.S. Farmers Underpass 2 some how has the glass dome 240 by 180 pixel image attached to it. If you upload it, its gonna look real silly on the moon or mars.
What are you gents using for trains? Monorail of some kind?


P.S. Farmers Underpass 2 some how has the glass dome 240 by 180 pixel image attached to it. If you upload it, its gonna look real silly on the moon or mars.

The Monorail is availble for 04 and 06 and is the most popular choice, the maglev would also work in a space setting. Really, even a steam loco on old NG tracks would be fun, they would have to start somewhere. :)

What happened with Farmers Underpass 2? Kuid 210518:1421:2, want me to remove it from the DLS?
Good timing on this thread, I need huge glass domes in all kinds of shapes and sizes as the roof for my Alexandra Palace project. Hopefully I'll find something suitable in all this stuff, so thanks everyone.
Mick Berg.
Hi Alan:

Thanks but not necessary. I uploaded version 3 (to correct a pair of flipped normals) which is on the DLS this morning. Has the right pic this time.

Hi Alan:

Thanks but not necessary. I uploaded version 3 (to correct a pair of flipped normals) which is on the DLS this morning. Has the right pic this time.


What's their kuid? If this route is ever going to be finished and released I need some of those. :)
.............Might make some quansett hut shaped parts and a quad airlock too where 4 tunnel splines meet in the boonies (outback to Alan), lol.

What are you gents using for trains? Monorail of some kind?




Why, 'Scotty-Beams', of course!
(You know..."beam me up, Scotty!") :o