Getting from Here to There hands off.


Active member
The object tonight is to run 4 ES 44DC 4's across the route towing 100 55 Ton Jointed Rail Hoppers, The route; Autrain to Ishpeming, to Houghton, to Calument, to Hancock, to a return via Ishpeming to Marquette to Autrain. Distance 240 miles or so. Opposing freight's on other schedules 51. First choice he makes is the old Duluth South Shore & Atlantic South Main Abandoned in the 1930's because of it's Grade.

In Ishpeming, he's given his Final Order and I mad sure to block all route on the line; Ie these 51 Uni'ts have to get out of his way. It's going to take a while.

Meanwhile only 32 miles out, trying to walk behind traffic, our freight moves through Humbolt Junction moving towards Champion, MI.

Southbound traffic begins to heat up as MRL substituling for a LS&I take the high line above the Dututh South Shore & Atlantic and the C&NW in Negaunee, MI.

Still 140 Miles out out more, traffic comes in ahead and behing our unit; as at the Hopenchange plaza our Sasquatch, Tank, sheep, kangaroo, as various other critters still watch.

I made this diorama years ago to make a point, Look at where the cars are parked, and where the farm animals and nuts are.....Oh well if you missed it, you missed it. Somewhere on Lake Superior is a Sasquatch flying like Superman
