Georgia Coast Line's Famous Bomb Train


The BOMB TRAIN, as called by the crews runs from the nuclear powerplant in Eastern Georgia to a waste dump in the western Canadian Rockies.

While on my way to Disney World, I stopped by my friend Nikos' house and we went to check out the GCL. While checking out the interchange we heard a distant airhorn. So we sat around to see what was coming. 10 minutes later a headlight appears and a single GP9 with about 10 freight cars rolled around the corner.

As the train rolled by we realized that this was no ordanary run.... It was the bomb train. I snapped a shot of the empty containers heading back for a load of "death in a can."

After that last cars rolled across the crossing, we jumped in my Porsche :D and headed to the other side of town where we cought the train switching out the cars for the afternoon local.

Nikos and I made a shot little hike to the top of a grass hill and watched it roll by.

We catch back up to the train 15 minutes later as it crosses a swampy canal. For this late in the morning, you wouldn't belive how bad the mosquitoes were!!!

The tracks of the GCL run through Nikos' grandparents backyard so we stopped by for a piece of cherry pie and an original view that no other railfan can get. DAMN THAT PIE WAS GOOD!!!

After grabbing a piece for the road we ran ahead of the bomb one last time. We cought it stumbiling down a hill over some bad tracks. I wouldn't want to be here if this thing were full!!!


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Great Story and awesome pics! :)

I was wondering...could you tell me where I could get those flatcars (that would carry the 'death in a can?' :D ). I'm making a nuclear power plant in a route I'm working on and could use something like those to help carry the death in a can away faster and farther than a truck probably could. ;)


Gisa ^^
I'm actually a little more interested in those bulkhead flats!

They look really good - are they industry capable? If so, are they on the dls or are they "third-party"?

Thanks - and great looking route!

@ Michael_Evans - The route is the Georgia Coast Line available at USLW. (EDIT: Too Late :hehe:)

@ Neilsmith - The bulkheads were something that kinda circulated around between a few guys and have never really been finished. We may get around to making some new ones intended for release but who knows. Thanks for the interest!
@ Michael_Evans - The route is the Georgia Coast Line available at USLW. (EDIT: Too Late :hehe:)

@ Neilsmith - The bulkheads were something that kinda circulated around between a few guys and have never really been finished. We may get around to making some new ones intended for release but who knows. Thanks for the interest!

I'm sure I speak for just about everyone when I say, "PLEASE...release them!" There is such a shortage of good looking bulkheads that are actually industry interactive, and may I say, those are about the best looking bulkheads I've ever seen!

:mop: :mop: :mop:

GCL does not work on my computer. When ever I try to open up the route in surveyor or in driver, it says that their is no selected map. any help/suggestions?
what version of trs are you using, this was designed for Trs06 SP1, i cannot provide any support for users with a different version
GCL does not work on my computer. When ever I try to open up the route in surveyor or in driver, it says that their is no selected map. any help/suggestions?

I don't think he has SP1 cause thats what I used to get b4 I got SP1....