GE Blowout Shots

didn't someone say something about a U30C...?

:cool: This my friend is a U30C with the paint scheme God blessed it with, utilizing the greatest crew protection US-American industry can provide, bi-directional single-controller(old GE style), long-hood forward.

I think this one was mixed with other brands & descriptions of motive power previous to this point, reducing it's almost inherent desire to backfire under the most awesome conditions...
Me, I prefer the U30Cs that the Reading had. They looked more like a U28 because they were off of the same style of body since they were among the first U30Cs purchased, and just like the Southern, they were bidirectional.

But it doesn't really matter what scheme it is in, what matters is that the U30C was one of the best locomotives that GE ever produced.
No, I just seem to remember Allen saying he likes the Family Lines paint.

I have a model of some GE in Illinois Central/preICG paint.
The wheels and underbody were gone at the time of purchase, so I can't really determine what model it is, however it is very long.
Yeah, thanks. That's one of the reasons I started this thread, the old dash 8 spartan cabs seemed always to flare up like that. I haven't seen it around here though. :( IC, I heard about TRS06, tell me how WBE works! :wave:
Well, here's a 8-40C after a long coal drag to Somnerset mine.
personally i dont think trains should be on fire (unless something is wrong or...). this does happen on older GE models at the exhaust because of injectors dumping in too much fuel and it gathering in various places. i think the dash 9s had this problem fairly under control as opposed to the older series. the Evolutions seem to have solved it altogether.
not too long ago i saw a burnt up Gevo on rrpicturearchives
not too long ago i saw a burnt up Gevo on rrpicturearchives

that may be true, but it want likely related to the problem i was mentioning. excess fuel delivery is more or less a thing of the past on the gevo engine itself. this is not to say that they cannot catch on fire by other means. the flameout i took this thread to be about is a result of excess buildup on the rack or in the exhaust system being ignited.
I have the c30-7s
How can i mod locos to do this?
817TAYLOR, if you read the rest of the thread you would know that he used GIMP2k to edit the screenshots that he took of the trains in Trainz. He did not use an asset on them to make them burn up in Trainz.