Forum Question


New member
I hope this is the right place for this thread.
How do you see New Posts in the Android Mobile View of the forum?
If the Android version of the forum is the same as the Windows Phone version (and the PC version) then at the top of the screen just under the main menu bar (Articles, Forum, Blogs, etc) is a smaller text menu bar (New Posts, Private Messages, etc).

Hit the New Posts link. Failing that, the last item in that list is Quick Links which has a drop down pick list - the first item of which is Todays Posts.
I hope this is the right place for this thread.
How do you see New Posts in the Android Mobile View of the forum?

I'm not seeing a mobile version on Android (Chrome browser). Are you accessing the site thru your browser or using a 3rd party App?
Hi Mick

I'm using an Android tablet right now to read your query and reply, and there is no difference at all from when I use my computer for the forums - other than smaller text, of course, but that can be dealt with.

I use the built-in Android browser rather than Chrome, and wonder whether this differs from one manufacturer to another. My tablet is a Lenovo. (For some reason it kept on changing Lenovo to Kenobi!)

Best wishes.

There is a mobile-friendly option on my phone. Its much easier to read so I would like to use it, but I can't find the New Posts option in it. "What's New" just comes up as an invalid search.

(For some reason it kept on changing Lenovo to Kenobi!)

Yes Ray, the auto-correct function's absurd substitutions are an endless source of amusement!

Perhaps these aren't the androids you're looking for?

Gidday Mick_Berg.
I use Chrome browser on my 5.5 inch mobile phone to view this forum only occasionally ('cos I love much bigger screens!).
It is tolerable and certainly has most of the functionality of the website as viewed on Chrome Browser in Windows.
Just a tad harder to use due to the smaller touchscreen and incessant need to scroll.
A tablet or a Chromebook with a larger screen should have no problems though.
Hi everyone.
Hope you are not expecting to much Mick from the Android version of Trainz as the app is over five years old and has not been updated since its original release. As winwalker stated in a different thread, N3V are not interested in further development of the Android Trainz version even though nine out of every ten smartphones sold worldwide operate on the Android platform.

In the above, if N3V do not want our money, so be it. However, Mick there are some great flight simulators on Google Play with graphics to match. I would recommend Infinite Flight simulator if you wish to see what can be achieved in Android mobile simulation.

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Perhaps these aren't the androids you're looking for?

Gidday Mick_Berg.
I use Chrome browser on my 5.5 inch mobile phone to view this forum only occasionally ('cos I love much bigger screens!).
It is tolerable and certainly has most of the functionality of the website as viewed on Chrome Browser in Windows.
Just a tad harder to use due to the smaller touchscreen and incessant need to scroll.
A tablet or a Chromebook with a larger screen should have no problems though.
I have my eyes on a RCA Windows 10" tablet with detachable keyboard, 2g RAM and less than $100 from Walmart. I have no allegiance to Android. Just no Apple.
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Hi everyone.
Hope you are not expecting to much Mick from the Android version of Trainz as the app is over five years old and has not been updated since its original release. As winwalker stated in a different thread, N3V are not interested in further development of the Android Trainz version even though nine out of every ten smartphones sold worldwide operate on the Android platform.

In the above, if N3V do not want our money, so be it. However, Mick there are some great flight simulators on Google Play with graphics to match. I would recommend Infinite Flight simulator if you wish to see what can be achieved in Android mobile simulation.


This thread has gone way off course just like an AI train! I have no interest in using Trainz on an Android device. I just bought Trainz Driver to support N3V. I have a 27" and a 19" monitor on my TANE PC and it's not enough.
All I was asking about was how to see "New Posts" in the Trainz forum in Mobile View on an Android phone.:confused:

Have to admit that I am also looking for a simple sub-12" tablet of some sort (will probably be a Windows 10 one) to get me away from multiple large (and largely immobile) monitor screens here.
It'd be great to curl up in a easy chair with your feet up with a lightweight, hand-held device with a super-sharp screen for browsing/ Trainz forum grazing and occasional Sudoku rounds.
When I'm not in the great outdoors doing my forest restoration stuff and looking after kiwi, I'm here all day and night in the office slaving over multiple hot screens getting fluorescent burns.
Certainly wouldn't think of using such a tablet for running T:ANE - that requires a powerful gaming computer like this one I'm typing on now... but for the simple pleasures mentioned above, a device a little bigger than my mobile would be bliss.
All I was asking about was how to see "New Posts" in the Trainz forum in Mobile View on an Android phone.:confused:


I have no idea Mick, spent hours trying to fathom out how to when on Holiday last year, came to the conclusion that trying to use any forum on an Android mobile phone (Sony Experia) is IMO nearly impossible it's too small to see properly and I'm really not into finger waving and poking so I gave up and just use it for Phone calls and checking email if not at home.
Hi everybody.
Have to admit that I am also looking for a simple sub-12" tablet of some sort (will probably be a Windows 10 one) to get me away from multiple large (and largely immobile) monitor screens here.

It'd be great to curl up in a easy chair with your feet up with a lightweight, hand-held device with a super-sharp screen for browsing/ Trainz forum grazing and occasional Sudoku rounds.
When I'm not in the great outdoors doing my forest restoration stuff and looking after kiwi, I'm here all day and night in the office slaving over multiple hot screens getting fluorescent burns.
Certainly wouldn't think of using such a tablet for running T:ANE - that requires a powerful gaming computer like this one I'm typing on now... but for the simple pleasures mentioned above, a device a little bigger than my mobile would be bliss.
PC Ace, nice to see you looking for some relaxing enjoyment in the ownership of a good quality tablet. If it is a Windows ten device you require then obviously the Microsoft surface pro 4 is a great piece of equipment and marketed as a replacement for any business level PC. However, it comes with a large price tag and the range of games available on that mobile platform falls far short of what can be found on Apple, Google or Amazon.

The Google Android platform has now over one point eight million apps in the play store. Along with the forgoing (and in my humble opinion) a ten inch Samsung Galaxy S2 running on that platform provides everything anyone could wish for in relaxation gaming at a reasonable price and all carried out from the comfort of a nice soft armchair or sofa (LOL). That stated, do not forget to look at the range of devices on offer from the likes of Sony, LG and Lenovo many of which come in “convertable form” with detachable keyboards.

Personally speaking having owned a convertible tablet I would not wish to purchase another due to the fact that voice recognition on both Google and Amazon mobile platforms is now superb and negates the need for a keyboard in all but the most noisy of circumstances. I am using a Google Pixel XL phone to voice dictate this posting in a five minute break at the office

In the above I am unable to comment on Apple devices as I have never owned an iPad or iPhone. However, as Amigacooke has posted in this thread perhaps he could comment on their offerings and the media criticism they have received of late in regard to their devices.

Anyway, hope you find the the mobile device of your dreams PC Ace and then engage in the many hours of pure relaxation that can be found within those platforms.

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