Forum posting question


New member
I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but. . . Why can I only post in this forum? Why is posting disabled (at least for me) in the Workshops forums? How do I get authorization to post in those? I seem to recall reading somewhere that there were forum issues over Christmas, and that's when I registered.
I too have the same problem, I can only post in Surveyors. Operator & Engineers and the regional Trainz sections (Germany, Switzerland...) but I cannot post anywhere else, I also cannot post attachments which will make posting screenies troublesome.

I've registered and performed all the required actions (as far as I know). I've sent a message to the help desk, so I'll see what happens.
Hi guys as mentioned above helpdesk are the only ones who can fix this. Please be warned that you won't get a response until Monday.


Hi guys as mentioned above helpdesk are the only ones who can fix this. Please be warned that you won't get a response until Monday.



I got a message a few days ago saying that my message was passed on to a moderator, because the helpdesk can't fix it.

So far, nothing has changed, and it's getting a little frustrating.

I'd post a "fix your forum" message in the suggestion boxcar, but I can't do that either. Also, I have to code all my carriage returns in HTML, because by default the forum doesn't do it for me (unlike any other forum I've been to.)

If a moderator is reading this, could you please look into it?

Thank you.
Same with me, I too have some suggestions for the boxcar but I cannot post there either. Even more annoying is my inability to post in screenshots.
