Hello Ben, my dear friend!!!
You know, goody buddy, I am loosing brain cells here -- I should have email you first, and ask, because you are the master bridge builder in this forum for over a decade! :wave:
Well, I've returned to Earth, and working on one of my old routes, a traction tram layout, video here:
http://forums.auran.com/trainz/entry.php?1242-THE-quot-SELECTIVE-ROUTES-quot-BLOG -- If you view the video the islands are connected via bridges, etc ..Then it occurred to me why not add the Florida Oversea Highway bridge to one of the far islands!
I did the search and found of your pieces, Ben!
Thank you Ben for sharing your story good buddy! -- Many years ago wife and I took a cruise, and one of the stops were key west, and my OMG, the heat .... I am trying to convince the wife to take a mini-vocation down there, but she's not crazy about the driving. We usually take 3 vocations, really for our little girls, Disney, water park, that sort of thing ... It helps to sign up with hotels to get great hotels for cheap prices... Anyhow, I do want to drive over that long bridge, and let the wing hit me ... We'll see! ..
Thanks again, Ben!
You take care now, ok!!!:wave: