Florida Overseas Highway???


Since 2001
Morning --

Has anyone ever done, or come across any item that looks similar to the Florida Overseas Highway that's at the DLS!?

Hi Ish:

I made most of the old railroad bridges on the Key West extension of the FEC including the 7-mile bridge. The are on the DLS.

My wife was born in Key West. Some of her family worked on the construction of the 7-mile bridge. I've been over the old (2-lane) conversion to a highway bridge. It was seriously narrow. You will never convince me two greyhound Busses didn't swap paint when the passed. The Moser Channel draw bridge used to get stuck in the open position with great regularity. Locals keep fishing gear in the trunk. Couldn't turn around so why not try to catch supper?

Its all been replaced with a modern 4-lane bridge but the masonry arch section of the old one has been preserved as a fishing pier. Why did they change from masonry arches to deck plate girders part way across? The water got too deep.

Hello Ben, my dear friend!!!

You know, goody buddy, I am loosing brain cells here -- I should have email you first, and ask, because you are the master bridge builder in this forum for over a decade! :wave:

Well, I've returned to Earth, and working on one of my old routes, a traction tram layout, video here:
http://forums.auran.com/trainz/entry.php?1242-THE-quot-SELECTIVE-ROUTES-quot-BLOG -- If you view the video the islands are connected via bridges, etc ..Then it occurred to me why not add the Florida Oversea Highway bridge to one of the far islands!

I did the search and found of your pieces, Ben!

Thank you Ben for sharing your story good buddy! -- Many years ago wife and I took a cruise, and one of the stops were key west, and my OMG, the heat .... I am trying to convince the wife to take a mini-vocation down there, but she's not crazy about the driving. We usually take 3 vocations, really for our little girls, Disney, water park, that sort of thing ... It helps to sign up with hotels to get great hotels for cheap prices... Anyhow, I do want to drive over that long bridge, and let the wing hit me ... We'll see! ..

Thanks again, Ben!
You take care now, ok!!!:wave:

Hi Ish:

My wife hates Key West. The one she knew as a young girl no longer exists. Its a tourist trap (tho a nice one). Just bring money (keep Florida green). Her family came over from the Bahamas around 1900 or so. Her grandmothers house was on Fleming. 3 or 4 blocks from Sloppy Joes where Hemingway hung out. We used to park in her back yard and walk everywhere. Mallory square to clap the sun down and so on. Her grandmothers house still had the cistern underneath to catch rainwater as there is no natural source of fresh water in Key West. It all comes from Homestead via a big pipe. The navy base has a desalinization plant but its strictly for the base. The cistern was about 8 feet deep. My wife used to swim in it (along with the little fish). It wasn't stagnant. Just boil and use (which happened now and then when someone hit that pipe from Homestead).

Some of her family were killed during the big hurricane that DID NOT wipe out the FEC. The FEC was up and running again within 10 days. The automobile killed the Key West extension of the FEC.

There are several good books on the subject of the overseas railroad. The one I have is Florida Great Ocean Railway by Dan Gallagher. Its all about its construction. Quite interesting.

The 7-wile bridge I made for Trainz is a combination of fixed parts and splines. Instructions to put it all together are included in a README file. Several Trainzers have followed the instructions and (gasp) they actually worked.

The Bahia Honda bridge after its conversion to a highway bridge was terrifying (according to my wife). It was a series of thru trusses so was far to narrow inside for a 2 lane road so the road was placed on top. When you got to the ends it appeared the road just came to an abrupt end and disappeared.

Key West charges folks to go into the cemetery. My wife too until she shows them she has relatives there then she gets in for free (tho why anyone would want to visit a cemetery while on vacation is beyond me).

Boot Hill Saloon in Daytona (which is right across the street from the cemetery) has the right idea with a sign that says "come on in, have a seat, better here, then across the street".

One of the more interesting things about how the extension was built is the fact miles and miles of fill was used between hundreds of dinky little islets rather then bridge after bridge after bridge (well poo).

Good Evening Ben --

Thanks for sharing your wife's story! When we all sit back and think of yesteryears on how time was then compare to today it said, at least for me. Father time doesn't wait for no one, and it's sad. As a child I had great times now long gone, and I know you're wife still thinks of those yesteryears, and maybe ... just maybe a tear or two emerges!

It seems nature is slowly being lost all around us. Everything today is favor for a better life, in that people want it now, and if they need to cut down a forest to do it then so be it. Sadly, that's the time we live, and a good example is over fishing on a global scale! ... the Oceans are being dry up!

Sorry to read about your wife's family loosing love ones' due to mother nature's wrath -- From a mental point of view must be hard, seem so unfair!

In my traction layout islands are near and far and in between, etc I think a mile, and half is the farthest ... nonetheless I will use your bridge to span this length, etc I am dividing my time between Mars and Earth routes, which keeps me interest, and not bored and burnt out!

On that cemetery, I must agree with you there ... I am yet to visit my parents, still a shocker for me, but family and sister visit them each year, since 2007 and 2008!

Lastly, I recall an episode that the History channel had, and talked intensely about the FEC, etc ... how it started, etc ... In fact, the designed you see now wasn't the original route that they have first conceived, but I am sure you know that from your book! :hehe:

Thanks Ben again, for the info, and bridges, good buddy!! :wave:
Have a good night
Henry Flagler's home on Palm Beach (a barrier island due east of West Palm Beach) has been preserved along with his private railcar. Quite an interesting tour. He was a robber baron but a smart one. He knew when to built and when to bail out.

Henry Flagler's home on Palm Beach (a barrier island due east of West Palm Beach) has been preserved along with his private railcar. Quite an interesting tour. He was a robber baron but a smart one. He knew when to built and when to bail out.


Good Afternoon Ben --

Oh, interesting ... :wave:

You just gave me an idea for my traction route -- Since it consist of islands it's so easy to add on to the route! :hehe:
