Fixing stuff for content in CMP


New member
Hi, all.

I was wondering how I could fix these kinds of errors:

1. Error: Could not load texture 'c:\program files\auran\trs2006/local/content wxihdy14431/lights/metal_30.tga'.

2. Error: MeshData:databaseLoad - cannot load mesh: 'night\'

3. Error: The primary and alpha texture are not the same size for 'c:\program files\auran\trs2006/local/content 48uulgrg984\lowsubstation/aluminum-bridge frame.texture.txt'

4. Error: Unable to load animation file 'content 48uulgrg984\lowsubstation/anim.kin' (no resource).

5. Error: Attachment point '15' in 'attachment-points' must be found in mesh '...'.

6. Error: The selected attachment point must belong to the parent mesh of the effect.

Does anybody know how to fix these kinds of errors? These are the 6 most common type of errors I'm finding in CMP. I'm trying to fix them to clean up all potential bugs and problems that may arise from errors in content. I must have like 100 of each of these kinds of errors throughout my CMP, but then again, I have 100,000 items in CMP.

I'm using TRS 2006 / Trainz Railwayz version. Let me know, and thanks!
Error #1 is usually caused by a texture.txt file that has no matching texture. It can usually be safely deleted.
Error #5: Error: Attachment point '15' in 'attachment-points' must be found in mesh '...'.
I would like to know how to fix this one. I have an invisible station asset with 20 of these errors, 1 for each passenger attachment point (I assume), but it works fine.
Mick Berg.
1. If there is a metal_30.texture.txt file, open it for edit in explorer and see what it calls for. If it is metal_30.tga and there isn't one, see if there is a metal_30.bmp. If so, correct the texture.txt file, save and commit. Else delete the .tga file.

2. Open the asset's config.txt file for edit in explorer. The mesh-table probably includes a container like this:
default-night {
mesh mesh loco_body/night/
auto-create 0
If so and there is no file then delete default-night container.

3. Open the ..frame.texture.txt file to see the names of the graphics files. There will be a primary and a secondary. Open each of the graphics files and note their sizes in horizontal and verticle pixels. The corresponding values for each graphic must agree and their values must be powers of 2 (i.e. 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.).

4. This could be due to a missing or misnamed .kin mesh file or more likely the asset is a kind that expects a .kin file. Check the CCG document for that kind and its requirements. If this a kind mo-crossing

5. If you get a list of missing attachment points, open the assets config.txt file and delete the lines that reference those attachment points.

6. An attachment point reference is not placed properly in the assets config.txt file. Refer to the CCG for that kind of kuid for proper syntax.
