I recently installed McAfee's security software, as it came as a freebie with Cox Internet service recently .
I had previously disabled Windows security, and upon installing McAfee, I deleted my previous security program (AOL).
It was interesting that on the install of McAfee, it states that all other security systems be deleted and the Windows security system be disabled, that running 2 or more security programs can cause possible problems with Internet communications ?
Now my thoughts; could the use of 2 or more firewalls be causing some members the problems with CMP ?
Your feedback is welcomed ---DLR
(Still looking for a common thread that prevents some from using CMP--)
I had previously disabled Windows security, and upon installing McAfee, I deleted my previous security program (AOL).
It was interesting that on the install of McAfee, it states that all other security systems be deleted and the Windows security system be disabled, that running 2 or more security programs can cause possible problems with Internet communications ?
Now my thoughts; could the use of 2 or more firewalls be causing some members the problems with CMP ?
Your feedback is welcomed ---DLR
(Still looking for a common thread that prevents some from using CMP--)