Firewalls and CMP


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I recently installed McAfee's security software, as it came as a freebie with Cox Internet service recently .
I had previously disabled Windows security, and upon installing McAfee, I deleted my previous security program (AOL).
It was interesting that on the install of McAfee, it states that all other security systems be deleted and the Windows security system be disabled, that running 2 or more security programs can cause possible problems with Internet communications ?
Now my thoughts; could the use of 2 or more firewalls be causing some members the problems with CMP ?

Your feedback is welcomed ---DLR

(Still looking for a common thread that prevents some from using CMP--)
I have Windows firewall running and AVG and I know that my D-link hub as well as my DSL modem have firewalls on them. This set up on four computers and I don't have any problems at all using cmp or connecting to the DLS. Now I don't know about Norton or McAfee, I refuse to use either one of those, but that's just my opinion.

Exactly the type of response I am looking for .
Apparently, from your input, this was just another idea of mine that has no relationship to CMP problems :'( !!

I appreciate your input ---DLR
Don't be soooooo hasty deeelare, how can you possibly form an objective opinion from just one honest answer from around the world.......:hehe:
Now unlike bnsf50, I do use Norton and AVG, having both of their respective firewalls installed, as well as the built-in Windows firewall, and yes, I have had loads of problems over the last couple of months with CMP, so you may be right with your assumption that having more than one firewall operative with different OS companies, might be the culprit. However, I certainly haven't the PC technical know-how of someone like our friend John Whelan, so I think a suggestion would be to hang fire for the moment, and await some more posts before you jump to any conclusions.....:p

Cheerz. ex.
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Any modern firewall will allow exceptions based on programs or web sites, permitting unfettered communication between your PC and a site. CMP users should check the setting menu on the firewall of their choice.
Any modern firewall will allow exceptions based on programs or web sites, permitting unfettered communication between your PC and a site. CMP users should check the setting menu on the firewall of their choice.


Welcome back, I am certain alot of us missed you :) !

You state "the firewall of their choice", does this mean :
(A) you agree that one, and only one firewall should be used and with CMP allowed through ?
Or, (B) use as many firewalls as you desire, but allow CMP through each one ?
Or (C) none of the above ?
(edit) and may I ask what firewall you are using ?

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I use McAfee. I got it free with my computer.
I have not had any problems with it, Vista, Trainz, or CMP.

I use McAfee. I got it free with my computer.
I have not had any problems with it, Vista, Trainz, or CMP.


Are you using any other firewalls, and did you disable the Windows firewall ?
(edit) and/or have you allowed CMP as an exception through Windows ?

Thanks for the input---,dave
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I've had Norton, Windows firewall plus the ADSL-modem all at once with no problems. Ofcourse I had to allow CMP both in Norton and Windows.

Currently running Nod32 (no firewall), Windows firewall and modem - no problems.

Funny thing though, when running F-Secure, I had to allow CMP on two lines in the exception-tab in order to connect.
Another thing Trainzers can check is in there Internet explorer or Firefox browser which ever you use and make sure cookies for Auran are allowed. That may be blocking the download station. Just a guess.

Its under Tools-Options-Privacy It's in your browser tool bar, for those that don't know where it's at.
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Thanks guys for the inputs,

Titaniclover- Did you disable Windows Firewall and/or allow CMP through it ?
Ferngren- With F-Secure, please explain, "two lines in the exception-tab"
bnsf50- To clarify, I am one who has no problems with CMP, but certainly appreciate your input .

It is my thought, (most likely a foolish one), that the largest fault with CMP is it's inability to connect to the Auran server to update and/or the DLS ? One of the items that can prevent this is the firewall(s), their settings and possibly the brand and if they can work in partnership with other firewall programs ?

I hope you can understand where I am trying to go ? ---DLR
Ed, Welcome back, I am certain alot of us missed you

Apparently alot of you need to aim more carefully, but thanks....that does explain all the broken windows around me lately.:eek:

I use McAfee and Windows, listing exceptions in each.
So, I wrote the exception for CMP in the firewall of F-Secure - no luck. Thought I've made a mistake and did it again. CMP was now listed in two places in the exception-list of the firewall and now the connection opened up. Would have been hard to figure out. Come to think of it, Trend Micro was the same but then I knew right away how to fix it.

I can't promise this works for everyone as all our machines are so different in the combination of hardware and software. I do agree that CMP's biggest problem is the inability to connect your computer to the server.

I wonder if different ADSL/DSL-modems can have something to do with it. I'm using ZyXEL modems exclusively.