Fine adjustments

Good Morning All,

I am wondering if there is anyone who can help me with a fine adjustments problem....I have started a small town at a station on my route, I have added a "main" road and pavements (sidewalks) but all the buildings I place alongside the pavements are actually lower than the pavement being at 0.0 height value, adjusting the height only makes it worse as it changes in whole numbers and a height value of 1.0 means you'd need climbing gear to to get into the building...the same goes for figures at 0.0 they are up to their knees in pavements and at 1.0 they make superman look like a beginner.

Is there any way I can adjust the height of these buildings and people so as it looks a bit more realistic and be able to adjust the heights in fractions of the whole number (0.1 to 0.9).

Any thoughts????

Hi ,
I'm using mostly "road 01 path both sides" Kuid 342053:37008

I'm lowering the road until -0.29. Even the crossings "01" are lowereble (?)

See the difference at the screenshot's , it's not 100 % but acceptable.

I've noticed this a lot, you have to manually reset the spline height, you would think 0 was 0 but it does not seem to be the case. Manually resetting works buy it's a pain.
Pressing and holding "Shift" or "Ctrl" (I forget which) allows adjustment of 0.1 for most scenery objects.
Norm: What I've had happen is that the spline itself does not sit on the ground but the scenery object will, roads seem especially bad at this, maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any suggestions?
Norm: What I've had happen is that the spline itself does not sit on the ground but the scenery object will, roads seem especially bad at this, maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any suggestions?

Some splines, particularly roads, have the mesh set above the zero level. This is to do with ensuring that small changes in the ground height between spline points don't show through the mesh. You can adjust the spline height (using Shift) down by tiny amounts to improve the appearance of these splines, but whether it works well or not depends on the underlying surface.
To add to what Bob just said, you can also use the "smooth" tool to a road that will force any terrain flat under it and not allow anything to show through. Failing that, you can also adjust the underlying terrain one spot at a time.

Thanks guys the info has solved the problem partially, but still have a problem of not being able to fine tune the raising and lowering of objects.....for example I have a station set at 0.0 and have placed a foot bridge that at one side is at 0.0 but the other side of the tracks is say 0.5, when I put in the deck it is either too high or low depending on which side I align it another instance I had to extend a footbridge that came with a twm station, I have managed to align the deck extension but the stairs will only raise and lower in whole units.

Thanks again
To lower and raise objects use the following controls
1 unit use the left mouse button alone
.1 units use the left mouse button and the CTRL key
.05 units use the left mouse button and the Shift key

If all else fails read the manual.