FBX in build 115628


Well-known member
I have been installing a lot of my old content into TS22 by .cdp 115628 and found two that gave a lot of errors, no errors in TS19 just TS22. What I found was I had left the name.fbx files in the uploads, made new versions without the FBX file and TS22 gave no errors.
This could be a bug or not but if you get new errors on your old content look for left over FBX files.

New content with .FBX works normal just fbx in a cdp and from DLS.
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In TRS19, I got errors with assets that had the name.FBX files installed. After I removed the .FBX files from the assets I downloaded they worked.

Maybe the .FBX files no longer need to be in there, or maybe TRS19 was being inconsistent depending upon the version.
In TRS19, I got errors with assets that had the name.FBX files installed. After I removed the .FBX files from the assets I downloaded they worked.

Maybe the .FBX files no longer need to be in there, or maybe TRS19 was being inconsistent depending upon the version.

*.FBX files do not need to be included nor are they needed for the final product release. You should only have the *.trainzmesh files and texture.txt, config.txt and graphic image files as required for final product.

*.FBX files do not need to be included nor are they needed for the final product release. You should only have the *.trainzmesh files and texture.txt, config.txt and graphic image files as required for final product.


Thank you for that info, Peter.
*.FBX files do not need to be included nor are they needed for the final product release. You should only have the *.trainzmesh files and texture.txt, config.txt and graphic image files as required for final product.

They need to be there to create the trainzmesh files that the game needs but after that they can be removed. N3V has stated in the past that they can be retained in the product release and in doing so allow distribution of the model source mesh. IMO the current behavior that was also seen in previous TRS19 versions is a bug based on their original policy statements.

Bob Pearson
I think the issue here is that some early (Pre-sp1?) versions of TS19 weren't very good at error reporting for FBX import. The older versions would import meshes without error even though they contained errors (you could usually see them if you looked hard enough). Post-SP1 the error reporting got better and those same meshes now generate errors. This isn't a problem if the asset is already installed and left untouched but causes issues when trying to edit or instal fresh into the later version. The errors being generated should have been generated all along but a bug in early TS19 let them slip through...