Faulty items


Active member
Does anyone know why a perfectly working item saved from my PC is installed with errors on another PC? The error received is something like "Invalid kuid" :o
I discussed this one with you before okhiu. The solution requires that the User ID part is changed to match the ID that is associated with the creator's Planet Auran account (you will also need to tell any other creators who's assets are in the same boat).

I discussed this one with you before okhiu. The solution requires that the User ID part is changed to match the ID that is associated with the creator's Planet Auran account (you will also need to tell any other creators who's assets are in the same boat).


I have tons of assets with invented kuids. And none has this invalid kuid error. Anyway, i will try to see if this is the problem by changing the kuid ID.
I will be interested to see how you get on. If it is the case, then you've got quite a job ahead. From memory, that check was added in TS12 SP1 Hotfix 4.

I agree and yes, Shane you are correct. This check appeared at least in SP1 due to the issues we had with people uploading unauthorized content.

Good Morning Okhiu
The "invalid kuid" number in this case means that the asset has an invalid UserID number, or possibly has a malformed 'kuid' entry in the config.txt.

Please note, it is NOT appropriate to use fake UserID numbers, and any content that has fake UserID numbers will not be functional in future editions of Trainz. If you are creating your own content, then the content should be under your own UserID number. We have, unfortunately, seen content using other people's UserID numbers, or 'fake' UserID numbers that were later assigned by our system to a new account, and resulted in another Trainz user receiving emails to have the content uploaded.

Good Morning Okhiu
The "invalid kuid" number in this case means that the asset has an invalid UserID number, or possibly has a malformed 'kuid' entry in the config.txt.

Please note, it is NOT appropriate to use fake UserID numbers, and any content that has fake UserID numbers will not be functional in future editions of Trainz. If you are creating your own content, then the content should be under your own UserID number. We have, unfortunately, seen content using other people's UserID numbers, or 'fake' UserID numbers that were later assigned by our system to a new account, and resulted in another Trainz user receiving emails to have the content uploaded.


The malformed kuid in config is not an option, i saved the asset from my pc and sent it to someone else.

I do not fake UserID's, i have my own user ID, i was reffering to other assets that i have installed in my game, created by other persons.

Anyway, probably the easy way to get rid of this problem is to disconnect (or not to connect) the Content Manager to Auran by entering the Auran username and password. Like this the game cannot know which kuid is correct and which is not.
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The malformed kuid in config is not an option, i saved the asset from my pc and sent it to someone else.

I do not fake UserID's, i have my own user ID, i was reffering to other assets that i have installed in my game, created by other persons.

Anyway, probably the easy way to get rid of this problem is to disconnect (or not to connect) the Content Manager to Auran by entering the Auran username and password. Like this the game cannot know which kuid is correct and which is not.

About your plan: If you do this, any DLC you have purchased from Auran/SimulatorCentral, will eventually stop working due to the DRM, if you have any.

Unless you don't own any DLC, your best best is not to patch up to SP1; leave it at 49922. If you do, as per John's advice, don't update to HF4 and just apply the first three hotfixes, keeping in mind Zec's advice about this not being workable in the future.

Also keep in mind that the digital download version of T:ANE will require going online periodically for the game itself to even function, so, if running offline is your plan going forward, you'll have to have the boxed version to run offline.
Thanks for the advice !
I do not have any DLC, and I have the 61388 build version (I don't know what HF is this i think is HF3? ) But i suppose the DLC can also be saved as CDP archive...?
Anyway, i somehow solved the problem by replacing the faulty locomotives (the items i talked above were some locos) but i am still amazed that only those 3-4 locos had this error, though there are many other items with invented kuids...unfortunately...
As i said somehwere in another topic, this measure taken by Auran developers is two-edged...on one side it's a good one, as all future items will be ordered. But for the old items there is a high risk of doubling or tripling them which will create more chaos i think...
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Thanks for the advice !
I do not have any DLC, and I have the 61388 build version (I don't know what HF is this i think is HF3? ) But i suppose the DLC can also be saved as CDP archive...?
Anyway, i somehow solved the problem by replacing the faulty locomotives (the items i talked above were some locos) but i am still amazed that only those 3-4 locos had this error, though there are many other items with invented kuids...unfortunately...
As i said somehwere in another topic, this measure taken by Auran developers is two-edged...on one side it's a good one, as all future items will be ordered. But for the old items there is a high risk of doubling or tripling them which will create more chaos i think...

I'm glad you got this issue somewhat resolved.

Regarding the "ordered" data, you want this in a database anyway. A database works like a giant file cabinet made up of records. Each record is pointed to via a unique index called a key. In our case the KUID is the unique key which helps identify who owns what, and allows us to have many assets with the same name, but each one is unique. Take for example houses. How many assets are called House, or House 01? If the data was indexed by the name, then there could be only a single entities with this name, which would limit the choice of assets that can be installed.

With Trainz this concept has gone a bit further with the user ID prefixing the asset ID. With these two parts, we can now subdivide the data down even further with each user then having multiple assets named House and House 01. The problem is if you play around with the sequence, by making up KUIDs, you may stomp, as it's called, on some other data with the same KUID. This can happen inadvertently by the author who has updated an asset manually and somehow made a typo in the obsolete table. He then puts it up on the DLS, which accepts it, however, when we download it we have issues. One issue I ran in to many years ago was an often used factory building on my routes became a large canal lock. This was resolved by reporting the issue in the forums, and the author fixed the KUID. The difference was only a swapped digit in the asset KUID!

Now this was a minor issue, however, some people more recently had made up user IDs and KUIDS, which throws things really off kilter, as Zec explained, because now there's a chance of not just stomping on a factory building, route, or tree, there's a chance of stomping on someone else's user identity. Starting with TS12 SP1 and up, there is now a checking mechanism to prevent someone from making up user IDs and KUIDs. If you need to use your own sequence of asset-KUIDS, you can use TrainzUtil to assign a sequence of KUIDS to use.

I hope this makes this clear.
