Evaluating the new Radeon Crimson Drivers out today


Hauling Heavy Pixels
Just a heads up for those of you with AMD Radeon graphics cards - the latest drivers (Driver Packaging Version 15.30.1025-151117a-296567C) and Radeon graphics control software (called 'Crimson') are now available for download.
If you have a compatible Radeon card, I'd suggest that you go to the official AMD site to download this now. (This assumes that your existing GPU Catalyst Management software hasn't already upgraded you to its Crimson replacement.)
AMD Gaming Evolved (formerly known as Raptr) still does not detect T:ANE or any previous Trainz version, but it is too early for T:ANE yet in terms of installed base for this to have made an impression.
About to test it now...

Edit update: So far the best drivers for my Asus R9-280X-DC2 TOP ever. Love the UI for the settings software, plus additional capabilities for multi-monitor operation and FreeSync functionality.
Runs T:ANE SP1 Beta 3 really well at very high level settings and with shadows on High.

Here is a link to some comparative performance testing done by Overclock 3D recently: http://www.overclock3d.net/reviews/gpu_displays/amd_radeon_software_crimson_-_overview_and_testing/2
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Generally speaking, the Crimson update works really well, and runs T:ANE beautifully.
However, there's a hotfix due out around about now to fix a problem with fan speed glitches noted by some users (including me) whereby the fan speeds can be locked to a certain speed under certain circumstances.
(Mine did at about 45%, when my 'normal' is 20%.)
See: http://www.overclock3d.net/articles..._a_fan_speed_issue_causing_gpus_to_overheat/1
You'll appreciate that I and others will be installing this hotfix asap!

Edit - Update: The patch returns fan functionality to normal again as advertised. Very happy with the Crimson drivers and Graphics Utility software.
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