Error Message


New member
I am still trying to get my head around using schedules. I have created a session on my Shackerstone layout and got it to run of a fashion. I have tryed to modify it & now when I come to start the session in Driver I get an errror message before I have even started.:confused:
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Hi again
I see that some people have read my post, but has anyone got any suggestions on what may be wrong, as I wouldn't expect to get an error message when starting a session afresh again.
Go through the schedule in Surveyor and see if you see any conflicts. I don't see how you could, though. The options are so limited I don't see how it could overload the Artificial Stupidity.
You could try setting the schedule back to where it was and see if the message goes away.
Also, just click on ignore and see if anything hangs up along the route.
The final fix would be to erase the schedule and re-enter it fresh.
I've never heard of this problem, so I have no idea what might be causing it. Good luck on finding a solution.

Hi Claude
Thanks for the reply, I'm not sure how to check for conflicts, but I will try the ignore option & see what happens. The session I have set up combines drive to trackmark in the driver set up rule with drive a schedule as it seems that it is no possible to get a loco to drive from a siding, couple onto stock the drive it down a line, run round then drive back as a schedule. I wanted to use the schedule rule to run it as a timed service.