Error Message upon opening


Active member
Before I report something that's already been brought up, I thought I'd ask here first. When ever I open up TRS22 and move to the menu screen, I get an error message. I click continue and ignore and things continue as normal. A bug? Part of it being a beta? I can't believe I am the first to have this one happen. I just haven''t seen a post on it (or this old geezer just plain missed it :confused:)

Zac and Tony will like this one: My brother-in-law was a software engineer. He said, "That's not a bug, it's a feature."
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Your brother-in-law is correct. The assertion error messages are a feature that is enabled during testing. Once the bugs are fixed, this aspect of the testing is turned off usually just before the product is released.

Report the same message to the QA Team via the Trainz Bug Report link.

Trainz Bug Report (