email question


New member
I have all relpies from the forum end up in my bulk mail anyone have a answer that can help me.


Hi Jim,

If you are using the "old" Yahoo version, it allows you to mark the message in the bulk folder and click the "Not Spam" button. This worked for me after one or two tries with other forum messages that were showing up there.

Not sure if that capability exists in the "new" version. I had it for a while, but switched back due to the annoying ads that blocked out the right side of the screen after every refresh.

Hope this helps,

Hello Jim,

You need to do this:

1. Click on "User CP" (top left hand corner)
2. Click on "Edit Options"
3. Go to where it says: "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages" and clear the tick box.
4. Click "Save" (or whatever it says at the bottom of the page)

Of course, in my eagerness to help you I failed to realise that the above option was only for private messages. Sorry about that:confused: .

Best wishes
Last edited:
I have all relpies from the forum end up in my bulk mail anyone have a answer that can help me.



I assume you're using thunderbird or something similar. Make a trainz folder then filter out forum replies before filtering the bulk stuff into bulk.

Cheerio John