Editing and delition in TANE


Well-known member
If this is been asked before, sorry. But I've uploaded several T12 routes into TANE, ( mine included ) with mixed results . But I'm running into content that is not showing up in a route, that is installed . What ever I do, they remain . I'm unable to delete them, without deleting the content altogether, but they sill come up as missing content in these routes. That can't be deleted because there not installed ? WHY??

This is been a major issue, because most are switch turnouts . When I try to replace them, TANE won't change to the new work. The only way I've met with any success is to delete the content and and supporting content with it, And redo . Deleting or editing hasn't change in TANE as far I've read ? What am I doing wrong

IF it madders most of the content is from eastcoast trains, but not all . Reinstalling from the DL has had no effect

Hi Matt,

These maybe faulty, or open for edit which means they are there but can't be displayed.

Thanks for the response ( JCitron ). Most, but not all the content is working, and can be placed as new work with no issues in TANE and work and look great . But not with the old routes . That's my problem, if open for edit I've committed it, and had the same effect . I can't delete them from the routs. I always have them show up as missing after I deleted them altogether. And TANE won't replace without deleting a section of track, or supporting content. Which is forcing a total rebuild?? Has anyone run into this, having a hard time believing editing is working as intended, or am I missing something

The turnouts are my biggest issue, not showing up so they can't be deleted or replaced . If removed altogether, can't be deleted because not installed?

Thanks for the response ( JCitron ). Most, but not all the content is working, and can be placed as new work with no issues in TANE and work and look great . But not with the old routes . That's my problem, if open for edit I've committed it, and had the same effect . I can't delete them from the routs. I always have them show up as missing after I deleted them altogether. And TANE won't replace without deleting a section of track, or supporting content. Which is forcing a total rebuild?? Has anyone run into this, having a hard time believing editing is working as intended, or am I missing something

The turnouts are my biggest issue, not showing up so they can't be deleted or replaced . If removed altogether, can't be deleted because not installed?


That is an issue which I have run into too and was a problem with TS12 as well. I think you have to edit the default session, delete missing assets in there then merge that into the route. I can't quite remember the process, but I think that's it. I suggest working with a backup copy if you want to try.

What I did was import my non-payware and some built-in assets into T:ANE from TS12. It meant opening up stuff for edit and importing bunches at a time into T:ANE. The process took me about 3 weeks to import and about a week then to repair the 7,800 assets that had errors. I actually deleted 2000 or so of the faulty ones and the remaining were simple things. Sure bringing some of the built-ins means they won't look the best, but they'll stand in until better ones or updates come along. When I finally did import my routes, it was done as the very last thing. Prior to importing, I replaced all the Speed Trees, including Pofig's trees with Clam1952's trees. These are stand-ins until I find appropriate Speed Trees. I also replaced or removed most of the payware items. I did miss one asset so that's amongst the missing, and two of the assets I didn't remove, were bad in T:ANE. T:ANE is more particular about LODs and these assets had none, which made them bad even upon redownloading from the DLS, as I thought they got munched being transferred, but that wasn't the case.

The repairs are pretty easy; mostly .texture to tga problems and lots of typos which were never caught in TS12 error filters. For those assets with LOD issues, they got deleted from T:ANE and will remain so until there are replacements as there's nothing that can be done for those. For the repairs, I used the usual tools, i.e. Asset-X, Images2TGA, PM2IM, GIMP, IrfanView, and my favorite Search and Replace Master to do bulk changes to bunches of assets at a time when they all had the same errors.

Thanks again ( JCitron ) Yep that's what I'm doing right now. Going thought every piece of content that is being flagged in TANE . I'll give your suggestion a try, and hope not to have a rebuild .

Thanks again ( JCitron ) Yep that's what I'm doing right now. Going thought every piece of content that is being flagged in TANE . I'll give your suggestion a try, and hope not to have a rebuild .


You're welcome, Matt.

Good luck and don't worry about asking questions. I'm no expert at this, but I sure can try to help.

Good night.
