Editing a session

Is there a way where a session can be edited?

At present I can only see a way of editing the Default Session ... but that means that I am always back to square one. Once I move the trains around in subsequent sessions, these cannot be edited. Is there a way where, for example, I could add new trains to a session that has already been run, without having to go back to the initial position as far as the trains are concerned?
In a word - no.

The problem, as I see it, is that by allowing you to edit a game (session) that has been saved "in play" is that you could, inadvertently of course, delete or alter something crucial - such as a section of track that just happens to be occupied by a train in the saved game. When you resume, what happens to that train?

I sympathise with you. I am currently debugging a session and route where it takes about 3 hours to complete all the tasks. Each time I make an edit to the commands, the layout or session I have to go back to the start. You could create another session which has all the consists in their correct positions and states that they would have at, say, the 2 hr mark, but there is always the possibility that something has not be carried through correctly.