Drivable Ships and Boats


New member

I am having trouble in trying to lower the height of a ship that sits too high above the water on the invisible track. And no I can't lower the track due to other ships that are at the correct height.

I was hoping that someone could help with a solution, as I cant figure out in the config file how to do it.

Many thanks
Use the 'position' tag in the mesh-table. To lower the ship, add to the default mesh
position 0,0,-10
and see what that does. Adjust the value as required.

By the way, the values are in the order X,Y,Z. So you just need to change the last value until you get the ship to a level you are happy with.

To add, you can use decimal values in the position tag, values are in metres!

So something like 0.05 is a valid entry.
Sorry to be such a thicko, but do I put the word 'position' actually next to the word default? As I have tried some combinations that have not worked.


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To add, you can use decimal values in the position tag, values are in metres!

So something like 0.05 is a valid entry.
Oh dear, I didn't realise they were in metres! :hehe:


Put the cursor to the right of the '1' next to 'auto-create', then press 'enter', then type the new line.

Try a value of 0,0,0.5 as suggested by Malc.
Sorry you are being given wrong information. Driveable ships are set at the height by the placement of the invisible bogey attachment points to which the mesh is attached. In the early years ships sat on track at -7m below the water level. This was somehow altered later to be +1m above the water level so that you could visibly see the ship track for placement of boats. The older level was sometimes luck if you could find the track to put a ship on. Some canal barges had a track set at -3m below the water level due to some of the tunnels used at that time to look as if they were lower than they actually were.
There were at least 4 'standards' for drivable ship track location. First was -7m, as the water would hide the track (there wasn't invisible track in those days, and the water hid all models beneath it). Canal barges used -3m, as -7 made the canals too deep. After invisible track was developed / discovered, people started to use track at water level. Then came track at +3m, as that would support rudimentary ferry operations (you could load a train on the ship, and drive it around).
I don't remember the +1m track standard, but I wouldn't be surprised :)


I tried what you suggested, unfortunately this did not work as it showed an error that this was not allowed and hence would not show 'in game'.
I took a screenshot of the im mesh file but the it is totally unreadable and out of focus, sorry, therefore unable to post.